
Why are the flags or chile and texas similar?

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Why are the flags or chile and texas similar?




  1. The chilean flag is a representation of several things. The star represents progress and honour, the blue square represents the sky, the white band represents the snow on the top of the andean mountain range and the red band represents the blood spilled in gaining independence.

    For the Lone Star Flag of Texas - The blue stands for loyalty, the white red for bravery and the white for purity.

    There the similarities end, it is purely coincidence as to why they are alike.

    Incidentally North Carolina has a similar flag, in opposite colours!

  2. It is, in fact, not a coincidence. When new nations set out to create their flag, they often are somewhat influenced by existing flags to which they feel some certain kinship, either by similar circumstances, shared history or common geography.

    Both Texas and Chile were strongly influenced by the flag of the United States, Texas because it was founded by American pioneers, Chile because the United States was the first a most succesful independent country in North or South America, which made it a popular role model for new revolutions.

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