
Why are the global warming enthusiasts so anxious to see an end to all scientific debate?

by Guest56457  |  earlier

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Is it because they know that they have a limited amount of time to take political advantage of everyone's fears before the Earth starts to cool again?




  1. Go to the head of the class you have the right answer.You get a A+++

  2. It often happens that people will talk themselves into a corner.  Ego will not allow them to alter their stance..... and opposing views are met with demeaning retort rather than open-minded discussion.

  3. You're exactly right.  The truth has been slowly revealed as most no longer believe that humans have anything at all to do with climate change.  That includes scientists since most of them admit there's no proof of AGW.

    The latest temperatures from NASA show that the planet has actually been cooling for the last 10 years, but expect the advocates to say that this is caused by humans and their progress also.

    The hoax has been exposed for what it is.  Admittedly there's a ton of money trying to keep this hoax alive, but as time goes by, people are starting to wake up and become more educated on the subject.

    As someone else said, the very die-hard socialists will continue saying AGW is real and they will continue to say that anyone who opposes their "belief" are paid by the oil companies or some other big business, but socialists never give up even though their policies never work.

    They're a very sad and depressing lot.  I'd feel sorry for them if their policies were not so dangerous to our well being and freedoms.

  4. Why are non-scientists like yourself so eager to continue to argue stuff that real scientists resolved years ago?

    Scientific debate occurs in peer reviewed refereed scientific journals, at University research departments, government labs, and at scientific conferences.  What you see on the Internet and opinion pieces in various non-scientific newspapers is nothing but the sharing of ignorance.

    Maybe the impatience of some actual concerned and well educated individuals with the never-ending regurgitation of anti-AGW propaganda/nonsense is because every year that nothing is done to address the consequences of AGW is one more wasted year.  Those pesky little CO2 atoms don't disappear every year, their number and affect is cumulative.  Delaying any action until scientists can convince every Joe Blow and his brother that they are 100% certain will accomplish nothing more than making it more difficult to mitigate the consequences.


    Dr. Charbat, feel free to post your prestigious credentials that make you a climate scientist worthy of our respect.

    Edit 2:

    Still waiting Charbat. Why don't you post a link to all those impressive peer reviewed papers you've written?  Then we can all bow down in awe ;-)

  5. You may be a non-scientist but you have scientific reasoning.  Skepticism is the mother's milk of science.  Your conclusion is probably right.  There is also the worry that they may not win the argument so they often result to insult and suggest that they are right because their is a consensus.  When you point out there isn't, they insult the skeptical scientists and say they are paid by Big Oil.

  6. It is becasue they do not want to be proven wrong.

  7. Where are you getting your information?  Can you provide a link or source on this idea?

    The number of websites focusing on green initiatives and climate change have grown significantly in the last six months.  Green is Universal (see first link below) has provided links to as many as 50 new conservation / environment websites a week that have just recently gone online.  These vary from education; to consumer related ideas on responding to climate change; to university studies on -- arctic ice melt for example.

    I do notice that those in denial of climate change have lost a few supports, websites, journalists, scientists, etc. as we've moved into 2008.  Not to mention the rhetoric is the same trite poorly documented "studies", just with a more petty mean edge to it now.

  8. We aren't, of course, and you fully well know it. You just don't care. Which is, I suppose, par for the course for the denialist crowd.

  9. They aren't. The scientific  debate was over years ago. The rantings of some crackpots does not constitute a "debate."

    The concern is over the blocking of policy changes by the special interests these so-called "doubters"  work for.  You do know that everyone knows no one else is fooled--the doubters are jsut employes of the oil companies, etc.  These people aren't fooling anyone.

    Why? We are having to pay exorbinent prices for energy--and the oil and coal industry want to keep it that way.  Even if there were no global warming issue, why should we have to go on fattening their profits when there are better and cheaper sources o fenergy available? NO ONE CARES about the fantasies of the "doubters" or the people paying their salaries.

  10. They do not want people to know the facts.  Did you see how upset Gavin Schmidt got when Roger Pielke Jr and lucia did a forecast verifications on predictions by the IPCC and Jim Hansen?  Pretty comical stuff because the data proves the Warmers do not understand how much warming is natural and how much is from CO2.   They get really mad when people publish the fact they have overestimated global warming.

  11. Well, the proof is in the pudding. Go ahead and give us your qualifications. Anyone could write BS on the Internet in a blog stating they were qualified. We "enthusiasts" are not anxious to end debate, but are waiting for you to start debating with facts.

    I see a lot of "enthusiasts" post links to organizations respected around the world. NASA, NOAA, IPCC, NAS, Royal society, USGS and on and on. Much of what I see from others is from blogs (there is a great source). Can't forget the Inhofe 400 (sounds like a NASCAR race).

    You know why people discredit many of your sources? Because if it looks like a pig, smells like a pig, and sounds like a's probably a pig. No matter how much lipstick you put on it! If I can do a quick search on the Internet and find on the great senator's web page that he received the lifetime service award from the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum organization, I'm thinking he doesn't have MY best interest at heart.

  12. They're not.  There's plenty of debate.

    But the "skeptics" have been shown to be wrong every time.  Exposing their errors is not the same as ending debate.

    Here's a site with plenty of debate about the issues:

    And the Earth shows no sign of cooling.  Latest data, including 2007:

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