
Why are the jonas brothers getting so much hate?

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i understand miley cause she has racy picture, but the jonas brothers never did anything wrong. i know haters might not like the music but they don't have to be so harsh on them. also the people who are obsessed with them probably should stop asking, WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE JONAS? i think they mostly hate them cause everybody is flooding Y!A with jonas Questions. but if your anti-jonas, what other reason do you have fro hating on them?




  1. i dont know

    i mean i understand that everyone has different opinions

    but if you dont like them ignore all the fans;  move on

    why are they so obsessive with they're hate for them?

    gosh, those people are such jerks for being so mean to really nice guys

    i like them (if you were wondering)

    but yeah just needed to get that off my chest

    and have they haters ever seen the fans at a concert?

    honestly ive seen some people who were atleast 25 and are rocking out (at the concerts i've been to)

  2. becuz JB HATERS are simply UNREASONABLE!!

    well I really dont care about jonas brothers the prob is that questions on celebrity category are filled with jonas questions that reallllyyyyy creepy.

    and perhaps jb haters are just JEALOUS??

    well who knows thats their opinion we cant criticize them cuz itll make the situation swelled.

  3. They're annoying.

    JB and the JB questions.

  4. Its like you stole the words out of my mouth

    Thumbs Up If You Agree

  5. they are white boys, in a BOY BAND. boy bands have this negative conception by people who are not teenage girls. umm i think anti-jonas is something else, not Jonas brothers.

  6. haters think that the jb think theyre all that when they dont.  haters are pitiful.  jb doesnt deserve that c**p. but the good think about it, it that they are making jb more famous and more bigger and on top.  and haters are just proving that they are not good enough to be where jb is today. and they need to realize no matter what they say, jb will still be rich, love, and famous and no naive words can take that away from them.

    edit: its funny how when a band that is 100% positive comes along, they have so many r****d haters.

  7. I don't hate THEM. I hate their crazy fangirls. And I am sure, the Jonas Brothers don't like how crazy they are either. They are here talking about them ALL THE TIME. Asking STUPID questions like.....whats their number, etc. Its privacy for a reason people. And the poor guys. The girls who scream in their faces and stuff and literally jump on them is outragous! I feel more sorry for the Jonas Brothers for having the fanbase they do than anything.

    There is one thing that I don't like about the Jonas Brothers themselves....they are not original! Seriously, they are not true musicians or else they would take part in writing MOST if not ALL of their songs.

  8. probably because that's what a majority of the questions are on here. a ton of them have to do with the jonas brothers. i don't necessarily think it's THEM they hate, it's just all the talk about them that they constantly hear. and the crazy fans that they have. i'm not gonna lie, i think they're alright, but i'm not one of those OH EM GEE I'M GONNA TOTALLY MARRY JOE JONAS **** YOU ALL HE'S MINE kinda girl. that's just really over doing it. i mean, wouldn't it annoy you if you came to a website like this, and the only thing you saw was a ton of jonas brothers questions?

  9. because there is so much to hate!

    hahh, joking? sort of. not too much

  10. the main start off

    1) They're terribly overrated

    2)They have squeaky voices which I can never stand

    3)Just not into their type of music

    4)Obsessed fans screaming 'you're juz jealous" when ppl don't like them

    5)Annoying fans asking the same questions OVER AND OVER again..don't they know the existence of a search bar?

    6)Many other much more talented musicians do not get the same recognition as the JB. I feel sorry for them.

    7)I'm tired of them being everywhere..its insane how immensely huge they a creepy extent. Marketing really sells now.

    8)I just love other music.  

  11. because they sound like whiny little girls when they sing.

  12. its really sad because i agree they did nothing wrong

    there just three guys living there dream singing and performing for their fans there people just like you and me. but the sad truth is people will always be jealous why??? because they have nothing better to do with there lives jonas haters need to get over themselves really! if you don't like their music DON"T LISTEN TO IT ITS THAT SIMPLE! ughh!

  13. They're complete n***s about us not liking them. They can love obsessively, but we can't even hate. They say we should keep our opinions to ourselves, and not exercise our free speech. Then they go about how much they love them.

    Also, their fans are just plain stupid. Being illiterate and a complete moron about music doesn't make you cool. Also, I'm aware that Nick has diabetes, and yes, it's bad, but they should stop treating it like a terminal illness.

    I really have nothing against the brothers themselves, in fact, if I met them in person, I might even make friends with them (yes, I do have friends that fail at music completely). I just can't stand their annoying, preachy fans.

  14. 1-they are greedy basters

    2-they suck in singing and playing music

    3- and yeah!! they are ruining the rock music

    4- and they got fired from Colombia Records and you know why?? because they are not Pink Floyd  Aerosmith

    5-they had played only for 3 years and everybody loves them because they are HOT!! and they are not, and you should love them for their music.

    I hate you Jonas Brothers!!!!!


  16. i hate seeing it everywhere "i hate jb they suck they have no talent" it makes me really mad. i mean they are talented, not as talented as some people but they are talented none the less. i think their music is good, i love to play it and listen to it..and the fans [the crazy crazy ones] drive me crazy...i am not anti jonas...but alot of my friends are and they dont ever give me an explination other than "theyre not talented" ...i dont get it ... but i still am a big fan even if they arent.

  17. because they are hella rich and

    jealousy is baaaaad

  18. 1) The fans are annoying.

    2) Do they write good music? I don't think so.

    3) Those scums have no originality.

    4) Haha, their fashion sense cracks me up!

    5) They are a bunch of amateurs.

  19. Everyone keeps saying how they are SOOOO talented. Well, they are targeted to 6-14 year old girls, so how talented can they really be?

  20. ok look No One is jealous of them ok its there weren't very bad they have no point in there music there lyrics suck there overrated there fans are annoying as h**l and if we were jealous don't you think we would be jealous of panic at the disco or fall out boy there is much more things to be jealous of for panic at the disco and fall out boy than jonas brothers


    Yea i feel bad but he has to stop saying no one knows how he feels my friend has it and says its not a big deal.


  21. I really dont know bout those haterz but i personally would buy their CD(jonas brothers) if i had the money and some ppl are  jealous of the jonas brothers only bcuz the ppl that they like are not getting fame its like if they are under a shadow that ppl dont see them but the jonas brothers havent done anything bad unlike Miley Cyrus i personally dont have anything against her until it appeared of that racy picture  but ppl are just jealous of the jonas brothers and i love them and i dont care what those haterz think about them i would alwayz show my support towardz them and THE JOBROS ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. *i dont hate them....its their stupid obsessed fans i hate

  23. those people are called (and i hate this term, but its appropriate) "haters"... they hate out of jealousy and boredom.

    pesonally i like them. from the moment i saw 'year 3000' on the disney channel more then a year ago. they reminded me of Hanson. who also had alot of "haters"

  24. they need singing lessons(seriously) theyre g*y and theyre ugly

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