
Why are the leafs of my chilli plants curling?

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Why are the leafs of my chilli plants curling?




  1. It could be a number of things that only you can ellimate:

    Not enough water

    Too much water

    Too much sun

    Curl-Leaf Virus

  2. It could be mites.......are the leaves turning a bit yellow? I live in zone 6 in the US, and this time of the year is bad for mites and usually when a plant is infested with mites the leaves will curl under. You can take a piece of plain white paper out to your plants and hold the paper under some of the foliage and tap on the plant to see if any little bugs fall onto the paper. A lot of mites are red but there are several colors of them. I manage a greenhouse/nursery/landscape business and the mites have been horrible there already this year.

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