
Why are the letters on a computer keyboard in this order??

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If i was making a computer keyboard having never seen one i'd probably put the letters in alphabetical order - why are they in the order they are now? who's idea was it? would it not work if they were in alphabetical order?




  1. This was because back in the days of typewriters, where the keys actually moved up to strike the ribbon and paper, an alphabetical layout caused frequent jams on commonly typed letter pairs or sequences. A study was done to minimise this and the QWERTY layout became the standard. Another keyboard layout, maximised for ultimate typing speed on a non-impact keyboard is called Dvorak. It's a really nice layout once you get used to it, but if you use different PCs it can be hard work changing back and forth.

  2. This order was build to don't have mechanical problems in the first type machine, they found that alphabetical order caused mechanical issues

  3. i think so its easier to type with either that or ive just gotten used to it

  4. there are two common layouts QWERTY and the DVORAK

    read the source for a full history of it

  5. A computer keyboard's layout is the same as that of a typewriter. Some keyboards, like those used on a factory floor, ARE in alphabetic order. Originally, the keyboard was laid out for maximum typing speed. But the early typewriters jammed as keys were raised together. So the keyboard layout was modified to slow down the typist and prevent jamming.

  6. The type-bar system and the universal keyboard were the machine's novelty, but the keys jammed easily. To solve the jamming problem, another business associate, James Densmore, suggested splitting up keys for letters commonly used together to slow down typing. This became today's standard "QWERTY" keyboard.

    Thats y alphabet in keyboard are not in order

  7. the letters on a keyboard are arranged this way because of the creator of the typewriter, qwerty yuiop, a Hungarian engineer. he decided to leave his mark by making the top line his own name. others rearranged the order to create less gaps between commonly used letters but by then people were used to the qwerty keyboard.

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