
Why are the liberals against the progressive idea of a woman vice president?

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Why are the liberals against the progressive idea of a woman vice president?




  1. Moderates and liberals do not want to turn back the clock to 1950: Palin does.  She thinks she speaks for and/or is God.

    She is wrong.

  2. There is NOTHING Progressive about Sarah Palin. She is, according to herself, "about as anti-abortion as it gets". She wants creationism in science classes, wants to stop conservation, and is against abortion in every case..rape, incest, even if the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

  3. As a liberal, I have no problem with many women as Vice-President.  However, Palin is not a liberal not a progressive.  She is a NEOCON that shuns science (wants to have creationism taught as science), is against a woman's right to choose in all circumstances, doesn't believe that humans contribute to global warming, and wants to drill for oil anywhere.

    So, get rid of the straw-man argument that liberals don't want a female Vice-President.  Liberals will be fine with a qualified woman for Vice-President, but Sarah Palin is neither qualified, nor liberal/progressive, and is therefore an unacceptable choice on both counts.

  4. They are not.  If you are talking about McCain's choice for VP, we all know he only chose her to try to get Hillary votes.  This will backfire as Hillary supporters were  voting for the person best qualified, not her gender.  McCain is the sexist on this one.  It will backfire.

  5. Maybe they want a progressive vice president.

  6. They aren't against a woman VP.... have you forgotten about Geraldine Ferraro?

  7. Because she's not progressive at all.  She sounds like she's running for McCain's secretary or supporting wife--not vice president!  It was also true what they said about McCain staring at her butt and playing with his wedding ring during her whole speech--that's creepy!

  8. Since when are Republicans so open to "new ideas" ?

    Besides, Dems aren't against women in power. Just Sarah Palin.

    She's unqualified.

    There's a phone ringing at 3am ...

    John Mccain has passed away ...

    President Palin answers it ...

    How comfortable does this make you feel?

  9. Stating a lie with a question mark at the end is not a question.  It's just a lie.

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