
Why are the liberals lying about Bristol's baby?

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Libs keep saying that the Palin's were trying to hide the fact that Bristol was pregnant. Oh really? Have a look at what Time Magazine has to say about that:,8599,1837862,00.html?xid=rss-topstories




  1. So they can force more taxes down our throats.

  2. They're scared of her impact on the election and they have nothing  on her so they make things up.

  3. they are desperate and do not want to talk about real issues

    Like the surge working( Obama opposed it and if he had his way more troops would be dead)

    Like a republican Gov doing his job before the hurricane unlike the dem that was in office before Katrina

  4. When you see the video. tell don't you think that they have her holding the baby with a blanket to cover her baby bump.

  5. It is their nature, just as the Clintons would rather tell a lie than tell the truth, the Liberals have taken on this trait.  Sometimes it is just plain old stupidity but more often than not, it is just out and out lies.  It is a disease they have to live with.

  6. LOL. Cry all you want, among bloggers this story will not go away any more than the forged birth certificate conspiracy theory went away. I don't care, personally, among the real issues - it pails in comparison. Troopergate, however, is probably the nail in the coffin for the mccain / palin ticket.

  7. They think that they are better then small town America. small towns tend to look out after one another, and that should be encourage, even as obama say I am my Brothers keeper.  

  8. Libs are grabbing at straws.  This is the best they could do.  They couldn't find anything worse.

  9. I don't think the liberals are lying. I've noticed there are a lot more questions about this pregnancy coming from cons than libs. Libs tend to be more tolerant, remember?

  10. First off

    We KNOW how YOU folks would react if Chelsea Clinton got pregnant

    "its because her parents are immoral" would be the whine

    We find it quite ironical that your party

    talks about inexperience then wants to elect a mayor of 4900 and one time governor who doesn't even want to be part of USA !!!

    talks about how immoral liberals are for allowing their daughters to get pregnant instead of teaching them ABSTINANCE ONLY

    talks about liberal pork in the budget and wants a governor that got millions for her town of 4900


    especially how John (low life) McCain can tell unsavory Chelsea jokes while being taped and its way off limits to mention this pregnancy

  11. If you're a woman, the liberals are going to smear you, no matter what, look what they did to their own... I feel bad for Hillary.

  12. We keep trying to let this go, but you Republicans just can't seem to.

    This was pretty funny - "It makes you realize that a thing like a little teenage pregnancy isn't such a big deal,"

  13. I think we are all spending too much time on this kid and her baby.  

    But, you have to admit that it's rare to see someone with a baby blanket that's not even close to covering the baby.  Or maybe it's spit-up cloth which then would set a world record for its size.  It does look more like a covering for Bristol.  And...who says it was planned?  She is seventeen years old and I'm sure that it's very hard for her.  Her pregnancy probably is/was an open secret in Alaska but being in front of the entire country is a totally different issue.    My heart truly goes out to her.

  14. Go Sarah! Go McCain! Leave Bristol out of it, it's none of anyone elses business.

  15. Pretty stupid blanket statement on your part. How do the statements of a few people constitute an entire belief system? Typical right wing swift boat type attack.

    The real question here is what kind of mother would subject her daughter to the media frenzy that Bristol is going to be facing for the next couple of weeks?

  16. Don't believe everything you hear from people who have no business walking the earth with the rest of us,and breathing our polluted air.

  17. This is the stupidest thing I've heard in a very long time. The people who made that story up obviously watch way too dang much TV.

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