
Why are the liberals still bashing Palin? ?

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So let me see now, Obama's mother was pregnant at the age of 17, un-married, then married a polygamist black man from Kenya who was still married to someone in Kenya and the liberals are attacking Palin?

So in actuality Barry was conceived out of wedlock to his mother who was a minor at 17 years old.

Don't throw stones if you live in glass houses.

Obama, himself, hints that his father and mother’s wedding may not have been properly documented. “How and when the marriage occurred remains a bit murky, a bill of particulars that I have never quite had the courage to explore,” Obama writes in his memoir.

It’s understandable that Obama overlooks the particulars, since Ann Dunham was probably a minor when Barack Obama Sr., an already married 24-year-old, impregnated her?

Obama weighed eight pounds, two ounces when he was born on August 4, 1961 (p. 22 of Dreams from My Father), so we can assume he went close to full term, or nine months.

His parents’ marriage took place six months before his birth on February 2nd, 1961. Nine months before Obama’s birth would be early November 1960, about three to four weeks before Ann Dunham’s 18th birthday on November 29, 1960.

It appears that Barack Sr., a married man of about 24, almost certainly impregnated a 17-year-old Dunham.




  1. I don't like what happend to her daughter but now  I don't think it makes a difference. I think I am still going to vote for the conservatives.

  2. Re-read your post. Isn't Obama bashing that has genrated Palin bashing? Don't you know that this is a bad choice for McSame because he doesn't have time to fight the rumors, smears and lies? So all of you who did whoever, Wright, Ayers, Muslim, Barry etc. Revenge is a dish served cold.

  3. 'Don't throw stones if you live in glass houses.'

    You're implying a comparison between Obama and Sarah Palin, which doesn't have much meaning.  If you were to make the comparison between Obama and Bristol's child, or Barack's mother and Bristol, that would make more sense.

    If you'd like to criticize Barack's mother, go ahead. But the point is that it doesn't call into question Barack's family values. Bristol's having a child out of wedlock indicates something is amiss with what values Sarah is teaching as a mother. Some are saying that hardcore anti-choice types like Sarah effect more teen pregnancy b/c of their teaching abstinence over BC, a strategy that doesn't get good results.

    I can't speak for everyone as to their motives for bringing up Bristol, now that Sarah's campaign has outed her. But speaking of Bristol does speak of the candidate as well. Commenting on Bristol's pregnancy says more about the effectiveness of Sarah's values than Barack's alleged illegitimacy says about his values.

    But what I think really calls Sarah Palin's values into question is that she'd throw her daughter under the bus by exposing her to the national media like this, just to shift the pressure of a rumor about whether her Downs baby is hers onto -- her daughter's shoulders. She should have told McCain, No, I have skeletons in the closet, so don't pick me -- not that they'll cause you to lose, but b/c I want to protect my child from the national spotlight right now. But she didn't.

  4. Obama's father isn't running for president.  Also, the Obama campaign has made it clear that this story is a non-starter and is a distraction from the real issues.  In addition, in his statements today he himself pointed out his mother's own story, so it is not like he is trying to hide it or "throw stones."  Why don't you stop throwing stones by somehow critiquing Obama for something his parents did before he was even born?

    And how exactly is Palin a "breath of fresh air"?  Fresh, compared to what?  Isn't she just a continuation of the last 8 years of the religious right running our country and trying to tell us all what we should do with our lives?  As you said, her daughter's story is a perfect example of how we shouldn't throw stones, so why don't these people stop telling me what morals I should pass on to my children?

  5. Governor Palin is so honorable and capable, the Dem's are scared to death. All they can do is demonize the Governor.

    I wish she was running for president, as a vice president she has not enough power to clean up Washington from all those corrupt phonies.

    She is like a breath of fresh air,my family and I just love her.

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