
Why are the majority of Deployed soldiers for Obama?

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Maybe because he will bring them out of h**l?




  1. probably because they are sick of spending the best years of their life in a third world **** hole while the rest of america goes about their business as if the war was just made for tv.

  2. Recently, I saw a bunch of US soldiers being interviewed on TV about who they were going to vote for.  They all said Obama because they think he will withdraw them from Iraq.

    I was surprised because the military has always been Republican.  No doubt, the soldiers are absolutely fed up with their deployments.

    Still looking for those pesky WMD's??

  3. It should be noted that Barack was only sharing donations with Hillary on the Dem side, while GOP contributions were split five ways. So, though Barack did score relatively impressive 43% of contributions from military abroad, more than 54% went to Republicans.

    When you calculate the number of contributors, 35% gave to Dems, 65% to GOP.

    If percentages remain the same with the field narrowed down to two, that would mean, the troops could back McCain almost two to one--hardly the impression one gets from the headline!


    When you look at this story more carefully, it is clear the author of this article had a very specific agenda.

  4. Probably because Obama is sick of seeing them die for no reason.

    The soldiers have two option:

    Obama = No more war, no more dying, no more seeing your friends die, come home and be with their families.

    McCain = MORE war, more dying, more seeing friends die, less time at home and with their families.

    That's a no brainer.

    Raise your hand if you want to keep dying!!!

  5. that statement is bogus, 90% vote republican. you kool aid drinker, those articles you put up are bogus liberal articles

  6. Because they don't want to be deployed over and over to Iraq for the next one hundred years.

    Obama will stop this madness and bring them home.

  7. They're even putting their money where their mouth is, in Obama's war chest.

    If you were in Iraq and one guy says he's going to bring you home and the other says, you might be here a hundred years, who you votin' for?

    Republicans can talk all the c**p they want about the troops supporting the mission, it's not their butts being shot off. If I'm in a war zone, I want out as soon as humanly possible, period.

  8. Source?

  9. Please give your source.  

    Does it make any sense that people who have VOLUNTEERED to serve would be liberals?  

    Does it make any sense that Obama, who calls himself a Christian, wants to make partial-birth abortion legal?

  10. Totally false propaganda. It comes from only one source. The deployed troops are for McCain.

    My deployed son says the opposite.

    The report tracked donations of $200 or more. It found that 859 members of the military donated a total of $335,536 to Obama. McCain received $280,513 from 558 military donors. So this report is based on 1417 donations of over $200.

    We have 150,000 deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, not counting thousands deployed else where in Centcom, and they are talking about serving overseas. which brings the numbers up to 350,000 soldiers around the world.

    So in this survey we are including people stationed in Japan and Germany.

    The lowly soldier doesn`t make the money to donate over $200. so he is not counted in this survey.

  11. Funny how you libs like to lie....The majority of soldiers are GOP and have said they will vote that way....Hey dont let FACTS stop you and your is at least good for a laugh....Try the army Times for TRUE FACTS....but dont cry as they WILL show you to be telling untruths

  12. Most likely because the majority know they are in the wrong place fighting for a lost cause.  They finally got smart and can see through all the bush c**p.


    Edit:  I would bet on it there's some who want out of there but are reluctant to speak against this war for fear of reprisal.

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