
Why are the majority of proclaimed Christians, hypocritical bigots?

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Most don't read the bible, attend religious services, or pray. A higher percentage of Christians commit crimes than non-religious people and Christians are more likely to support capital punishment and wars which are all murder. Non-religious people tend to be more tolerant and accepting, promoting social welfare and peace. But then Christians procliam to have some kind of moral superiority.

Why is this so backwards?




  1. With any religion, those who attend services and are active participants in good standing with their church or other place of worship find themselves at different levels of understanding and practice. I cannot speak in agreement with your rhetorical question, but as a Christian and Episcopalian will respond in kind regarding the Christian experience.

    A proclaimed Christian will probably be Baptized, recite the creeds, and other prayers in Church, and do deeds of service. These similar kinds of acts are pretty standard Christian practice for the good Christian. Even the regular or average one of good standing.

    Yet many Christians fail, and all Christians are in some manner or degree sinners. That is a human who is and will, has failed in the eyes of Christ in God. It is in returning to the Lord, as practice, that redemption can be found. At least this is a significant way. Interestingly, among many believers in this faith, intention is important.

    Each Christian meets his fellow where he may be in his journey, hypocrit, warmonger, war starter, warrior, supporter of capital punishment, evil conservative or even Fascist (pretty far gone, I know), or other. I cannot agree that the higher percentage of Christians commit crimes, but you may be right.

    Jails are full of Christians. One reason they seek out the faith and way of living is that it is a way of forgiveness and mercy. It is also a way of transformation and change, whether that search for such is honest or not isn't the issue. Come and see at a Church to discover or observe this God who is generous, kind, merciful, and faithful to human beings through history. That is not an anser, per se. It is a way of saying, is this God's fault that Christians may fail? They do.

    But most important in my answer, is the fact that ministers and members of the Church meet their fellows where they may be, not as they would be perfect, or as Christians would like them to be.

    I cannot speak to how many read the Bible, but in the Church of my denomination, if one attends one is going to hear the Bible read.

    Interestingly, though, the Episcopalian who is a member remains in good standing and is considered in Communion if he or she attends worship services and takes Eucharist a mere three times a year. This means going, for instance, or Christmas, Easter, and other time. This seems scant attendance, I know. But it is so.

    As for the non-religious being the better part of human kind, I cannot speak in answer to your assertion. There are, after all, a billion Christians in the world--if memory serves correct. Many may be failed Christians, even those who have fallen away but still consider themselves Christian. You may be speaking of these, too, in your question. Regardless, they identify with Christianity, and even if not the better part may have to be their light, as Christians and Christianity is a light to the world. So I believe.

    Christians live a life and way, their Church is a moral organization, and by definition membership and participation in such is a valid source of the moral life. Christ is and was a moral force, a good, in the world both now and in the history of mankind. I think most peole would say so, even those not practicing or professed Christians.

    How moral is what I've discussed as more, for you imply a requirement of high standard. As I say, we meet each other where one may be.

    Do I think they are morally superior? Certainly, history and Western Civilization has shown that the Christian influence has been positive and uplifting, despite its human shortcomings, failures, and errors.

    This is not so much an apology, but a means of putting a framework on your questions and statements regarding the moral superiority and standing of the Christian faith. This is a framework of Christian living, which follows the poor, chaste, Christ through the year.

    Is Christianity not one of the world's great religion, and as such by definition a superior one in our eyes of Western Civilization.

    --Peter Menkin

  2. I agree

  3. You are talking about "proclaimed Christians" which aren't really Christians.

  4. The word comes from old English and means "By God."

    And by God, nobody get away here with talking trash!

    Why are proclaimed Atheists so Godless???

    God love you!

  5. My guess is that it is the PERSON not their religious faith, they are probably using that as an excuse to try to justify their acts

  6. Wow, it must be incredible to know the majority of Christians!  You must be almost omniscient to be able to be with them 24/7 to know that they aren't reading their bibles, attending religious services, or praying.

    It's comforting to know that you are more tolerant and accepting.

  7. Every Christian believes they have a personal relationship with "God" I guess this makes them feel invincible to other opinions. Therefore they become full of themselves and become very annoying.

  8. I'm not sure I agree that the "majority" of Christians behave as you say, but surely there are enough to make yours a valid question.

    Garrison Keillor once said, "going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car."

    Regarding the death penalty - like most topics, you can find Biblical support for either side if you look hard enough.

    That said, it is true that there are many Bible passages (especially in the OT) that support capital punishment, often for relatively mild offenses:

    - Adultery (Leviticus 20:10)

    - Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:16)

    - Breaking the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14 & 15)

    - Disobedient children (Exodus 21:15 & 17; Leviticus 20:9)

    - Homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13)

    - Not being a virgin on your wedding night (but only if you're a woman - Deuteronomy 22:20-21)

    Some people cite Romans 13:1-7, which states that all governments are sanctioned by God, and if the government allows something (like capital punishment), then it is God’s will [you'll rarely see this passage invoked in the abortion debate].  How do modern Christians reconcile this with governments like Hitler’s Germany, or Stalin’s Russia, or Pol Pot’s Cambodia, or any of the hundreds of others that were responsible for horrible atrocities throughout history?  Governments are run by people, who are – inherently – imperfect.  This is why the U.S. has a system of checks and balances, and why our laws are constantly changing (remember, there was a time when slavery was legal, when women couldn’t vote, when there were no child labor laws, etc.).  This argument simply does not fly.

    But the New Testament is primarily ANTI-death penalty. For example, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus praises mercy (Matthew 5:7) and rejects “an eye for an eye” (Matthew 5:38-39). James 4:12 says that God is the only one who can take a life in the name of justice. Leviticus 19:18 warns against vengeance (which, really, is what the death penalty amounts to). In John 8:7, Jesus says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    There are many, many practical problems with capital punishment (that I won't get into here), but purely from a moral standpoint, it is pretty clear that Jesus did not support it. True Christians shouldn't, either.

  9. Where do you get your information from? Be that as it may ... Christianity is a beautiful and flawless piece of music composed by God. Sometimes, the musicians attempting to play it hit a few wrong notes or play it off key. Some make such an awful noise that they cause their audience to run away from them, holding their ears. But every now and then, a musician who is practiced in their Christianity plays the music and it is glorious and wonderful and sweet. We shouldn't fault the composer (Jesus) when unpracticed musicians play His composition; a composition should be judged when it is played by the best, not the worst.

  10. A little wink , wink and a Dante quote and you can go back to your hospice work for Mother Theresa :

    Dante Alighieri The hottest places in h**l are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.

  11. Because they follow their god Paul instead of Jesus.  The two are miles apart.

  12. They will ask you to cite sources.

    Not doing so, when making extraordinary claims, is not providing extraordinary proof. This is their sin, and it may now be yours.

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