
Why are the messages and archives missing from my group? How do you restore them?

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Why are the messages and archives missing from my group? How do you restore them?




  1. if you're not the owner, they may have been closed to members.

    if you are the owner, groups go down here and there. if you check the group settings to be sure they're the way they should be, you need to report it

    help form

  2. The message archives are missing because the owner chose the settings that way when he/she created the Group.  To start storing message archives again, you need to be an owner or moderator with appropriate privileges.  If you are, then sign in to your Group's web site.  Then click on Management on the left-hand side of the page.  Then click on Messages in the Group Settings section (towards the upper-right-hand corner).  Then click the Edit link next to Posting And Archives.  Then, under Archive Options towards the bottom of the page, select either Anyone or Members (whichever you prefer).  Don't forget to click the Save Changes button when you're done.

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