
Why are the news stations saying Russia attacked first when they didnt?

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Georgian army FIRST attacked the South Osetia with aircraft and heavy artillery, so why are the news stations lying?




  1. i thought the Russians bombed a Georgian Air Base?  

  2. You aren't going to know (right now, at least) who did what first. Each side is going to spin the news so that it makes them look good. Until the dust settles and some good info can be put out, I would try to reserve putting out inflammatory statements.  

  3. Well no one really knows what's going on yet since it's only been going on for like two days.

  4. Russia censors their news! If you're Russian you don't even know what's going on, because your government makes you think they are always innocent. CNN is a reliable news source.

  5. I don't know which news stations you are referring to. The BBC, Radio Australia and Deutsche Welle all mentioned Georgia attacking South Osetia. But, Russia did attack Georgia, which has yet to attack Russia.

    Of course, if you are referring to U.S. news stations, consider yourself lucky that they didn't start speculating about Russia later attacking Atlanta, Augusta or Macon.  

  6. because russia is worldpower compare to weak georgia and media is usually in favor of those superpower.

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