
Why are the numbers of dead and wounded U.S. soldiers in Iraq no longer in the news on Yahoo?

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There was a time that at least twice a month the U.S. casualties were being reported, but now it has been mysteriously absent from the press, especially on Yahoo. Don't the American people deserve to be informed?




  1. Because the Surge worked, the "Sons of Iraq", program worked, and we are winning the war.

    The war isn't totally over, but the Army is looking at reducing the number of troops there, going from 15 brigades to 14, probably in January, and more and more of the country is being turned over to the Iraqis.  As long as we don't mess anything up, or do anything stupid, we've almost won. Al Queda has pulled out and has shifted their remaining forces to Afghanistan, (which is why you've seen an uptick in violence there...they actually got inside the wire at one of our bases there a few weeks ago, and we had to pull back from that area).  Iran has backed off their support for the bad guys as well, as they fear that Bush will strike their nuclear facilities before he leaves office if Obama wins the election.

    Since we are now winning, this makes all the "peace" politicians who wanted to just give up on Iraq look pretty stupid. (Remember Biden wanted to split the country up into segregated thirds? One part for the Kurds, one for the Sunis and one for the Shiites, like the partition of India back in '47?).   It also makes McCain, who was the only guy who really supported the Surge (even going against Bush on the issue) look good.

    So now the whole thing is now  a political liability rather than a political strength for the Democrats.  Thus the press (who overwhelmingly votes Democratic) has backed off the issue.  They don't want to make McCain look good and Obama look it suddenly "is no longer newsworthy".

  2. The reason why, we are not informed about what happens in Iraq, is because WE DO NOT BELONG THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! If we really knew what goes on in Iraq, no one would go over there. No matter how much money we would get, or what they can do for us. For instance, a mother gets a letter that her son/daughter was killed in battle, she would want to know how and by who, since it was in a letter, but if she really found out how her son/daughter got killed on the news or Yahoo, then she would protest against the Army, National Guards, Marines, and all the other recruiters and that would look very bad on the government. Plus we are to serve our country no matter what the cost is. At least you'll be known as a hero.

  3. Didnt you hear? McCain and Cheney and Bush already told you. We won. Its like one big Disneyland f*ckfest over there.  

  4. Iraq is old news now and no one really cares.

    Get over it.  

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