
Why are the olympic uniforms in swimsuits, trunks and gymnastic gear so revealing?

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I know that some of the swimsuits are high for mobililty in the water and also includes the gymnastic uniforms, but why do they have to be that way? You can literally see a person's butt almost hanging out of their uniforms. That's not a good sight for people that have weak minds like child predators if you know what I mean.




  1. personally, i disagree. i mean, if the guy swimmers had b***s, then i would agree, but other than that...

  2. Yeah i noticed that with volleyball and gymnastics. I really have no idea why they would do that.  

  3. Well it's not like any of the swimmers or gymnasts are hideously ugly or morbidly obese covered in cellulite so I don't find it that bad.

    The swimmers and gymnasts' uniforms are designed to be lightweight so they can move freely without heavy clothing weighing you down (imaging swinging up on the high bar with a baggy shirt flapping all over the place or trying to win a gold medal in swimming whilst being slowed down by a saggy pair of board shorts.)

    Also it's not that revealing, the men gymnasts generally all wear leotards with striupp pants or leggings (which is a shame) and the swimmers don't even have their chests exposed (expect for maybe after the race when they pull the swimsuit/wetsuit down).

    The gymnast's leotards aren't that horrible either, it would just be so much harder to compete if everyone was trying to be modest.  

  4. I assume the uniforms worn by gymnasts and other participants are designed with form and function in mind, but I feel like some also have an eye turned toward tradition. I'm an 18 year old guy, so of course when I'm watching volleyball I can't help but notice that some of the women are attractive, and there's nothing wrong with that or what the competitors wear. I live down in Long Beach and I know how hot it gets playing beach volleyball, the women down at the sand courts on Manhattan beach dress pretty much like the pros, they wear bikinis.

    They could probably make less revealing outfits for the female gymnasts but it seems like that style is a tradition now, either way I'm just not buying the argument that having 16 year old girls in outfits that resemble one piece swimsuits is so bad. Child predators are going to be child predators whether they change gymnastic uniforms or not, I don't think the olympics have any affect on that, besides, most of the gymnasts are legally adults(at least for the USA). If a child predator wanted a view of girls in similar outfits they could just go down to the local pool during the summer instead of watching NBC, I think you're making way too huge a deal out of athletic uniforms when there's really nothing to get alarmed over.

  5. s*x sells doesn't it.  How many MEN will tune into volleyball for the beach?  Think about it.

  6. i assume the uniforms are also made for easy movability.

    i don't know about the girls in gymnastics, but some of the guys will wear pants or shorts. (which is a disappointment for me. lol there was a  cute german gymnast on last night, but he had a pair of shorts on)

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