
Why are the olympics only held every 4 years?

by Guest67032  |  earlier

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Just wondering... and also why don't they consider the olympics that take place during those 4 years as actual Olympics




  1. you must be really young or something.

    The Olympics is a very big event.

    It's done for a litany of reasons. More time for training b4 the games to ensure ultimate competition. More time for more buildup. More time shows more respect.

  2. it's too big an event to hold often.

    there's too many preparations to make, people to train, things to plan, etc etc etc.

  3. In greek an Olympiad= 4 years.

    The ancient olympics were held every olympiad.

    The founder of the modern olympics decided to keep it every 4 years to honor tradition.

    It also turned out great because it gave the host city enough time to prepare and build stadiums and the athletes more time to train as well.

  4. the above answer is spot on

    and if its too frequent,it'll be less what should i say,

    less eventful or insignificant

  5. thats actually a good question. but the first guy is right. =)

  6. They actually take place every 2 years, don't forget the winter olympics.

    While I love the olympics, if they were on anymore often I would go insane from the 24/7 sport, plus you can't expect the athletes to constantly be put under that enormous pressure to win for their country more often then already are.  

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