
Why are the orange coloured smarties the onlt flavoured ones?

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Orange smarties are chocolate orange and all of the other ones are just chocolate flavour...?




  1. Smarties have never been chocolate flavored. They are pieces of sugar. I would imagine the orange being orange flavored, but I am 100% sure they are not flavored chocolate.

    When candies began being made, only certain simple colors and flavors were available.

    Henceforth, why double bubble is still pink. Because pink was the only dye available.

  2. OMG!!!! I never really noticed but now that you say that i dont know!!! that is so cool that you noticed!

  3. because as far as i know, orange is the only fruit that goes with chocolate (eventhough the combination makes me puke, a lot of people seem to like it.)

  4. its just one of those great unsolved mysterys?  

  5. yeah i always wondered that too, it may be down to the fact that you can get natural orange flavouring easy.

    you know what there like with artificial flavourings nowadays

    Edit: WHAT!!!!! what are you ppl on smarties are all chocolate arent they??

  6. I don't know the answer but I'm so glad you asked because my husband insists that there is no difference in taste and thinks I'm imagining it and laughs at me when I take out all the orange ones to save for last.

  7. The orange ones are the best - I save them til last

  8. I'm not convinced... once i spent ages (sad i know) taking off the shells and eating all the red chocolate at once, and then all the blue chocolate, etc etc and i'm sure they tasted different!

    The red one almost tasted like dark chocolate, but it doesn't look it.... who knows.

  9. There are chocolate covered smarties? Holy h**l im missin out!!!!!!

  10. because orange is one ov tha most popular flavors!

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