
Why are the people in Quebec so mean to the English?

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PS. How are those submarines with the screen doors working out for you? Wasn't it a French Canadian who decided not to live up to the agreement between Canada and the UK and rennovate the submarines before they were used?




  1. While I love the province of Quebec and visit quite often, I've definitely had some off-putting experiences with some francophones.

    At times, I've received a "how dare you!" attitude when attempting to speak English.  

    I think some people find it insulting that I don't speak French as a resident of Canada.

    A few years ago I stayed at a little hotel in Gaspe where the owner happily took our money while speaking perfect English.

    When we had dinner with him in the common room that night,

    he gave us the cold shoulder and refused to speak to us unless we spoke French.

  2. We are not mean.French is our language and we are trying to save it, i'm proud of speaking but I hate it that other province ar trying to ruing our heritage. Maybe your weren't lucky where you went ... everywhere you will go there is something discrimanting if only because we speak french that we are really different or meaner

  3. Perhaps maybe it's your attitude not the fact that you speak English...except, I don't know I'd call that English...

  4. Oh and there's no discrimination towards Francophones like me when we travel to other provinces/countries?

    Where are you from anyway Katilyn? (hope I spelled your name right sry if I didn't) Because when I lived in Quebec, I often overheard Anglophones literally SHOUTING as if to think that would help Rejean or Marie-Josee understand them better. It doesn't work that well in Rimouski or Dolbeau, ok?

    Seems you need to open your eyes, ears + phrasebook ma pitoune

    I think it'd would help you understand why there are (unfortunate) misunderstandings on both sides.

    To the guy from Ontario: glad to know you had fun. I wish more ppl were open minded when in Quebec as you.

    CHIXDIGG = some places have a "rule" that only French can be spoken at work, just like in other provinces may have a "no French can be spoken" rule sad but true on both sides of the equation. Being multilingual I think one should be allowed to speak the customer's language (if they can)

  5. i love in ontario and every year we go to pei and well u have to drive through quebec and i really dont like quebec because well they are kinda rude like u said and i have never known why maybe it is because some of them speak only french and dont know english

  6. Instead of ranting about my personal experiences (as an English-speaking Canadian having lived in Montreal for 12 years, and seeing how both sides are treated once outside their border), I will answer the question as asked:

    Some people in Quebec are anti-English because it all has to do with history. When the English won the Battle at the Plains of Abraham, and essentially "won" Canada, proclaiming it for Britain, the French were put out. Historically since then, there have been a lot of hurt feelings, jealousies, mistrust, etc. Not everybody, but some, still hold grudges.

  7. Most Ontario people hate Quebec too. Go to Ottawa and you can just feel the love.....LOL.

    It has to do with Quebec thinking that they are better than us, when really they are not. Quebec is like the black sheep of the family, no matter how many Canadians try to get a long together, there is Quebec pissing off about something.

  8. maybe it is just missing some parts  in N-American history that when our neigbourgs from the south  during the civil war between the UK and USA  some yankees wanted to fight in Canada against  the crown ;

    US gen Montgomery and Arnold decided to rally Canadians  ( mojoritary in numbers french sepakings at that time )by force in their struggle for independence. They began the invasion of the province of Quebec in 1774 (the Montreal region passed into their hands), but the following year, they failed in their attempt to take Quebec City

    the King promises to the french speakings  that if they save the crown in Canada they will to kept  their language and faith

    so french speakings did  push away  away to their borders and save the crown in North America  and in Canada;  so if you have made a nice trip  to Canada it is  because the mean peoples  saving Canada from the  US invaders  ,  the crown that you love  has been recognizing  to the    french speaking of quebec

  9. I think you're generalizing way too much.

    Not all French-speaking Quebecers are anti-English, just like some English Canadians are downright insulting and rude towards Quebecers, but not all.

    The reason as to why signs cannot be in English and are all in French is plain and simple: Quebec's official language is French, not English and +80% of its population speaks it as a first language. What? would you expect the signage to be in English if you went to Rome, Italy? Besides some road signs along the Ontario border (e.g: Gatineau Region) and in Montreal road announcements or warnings are usually both in French and English. Now now, would you even see signs in French in Alberta or Saskatchewan? No. Is this discrimination? No. They just don't need French, just like Quebecers don't need their signs to be in English.

    But this basically comes from Bill 101, a bill that was passed to protect the French Language in Quebec, you should read about it.

    And I'll repeat what someone else has already said: You think Francophones are never discriminated against when they travel across Canada? come on now.

    Now, the reasons as to why SOME Quebecers are mean to English people is 1) yeah it does have a historical, political AND cultural background. Some Quebecers have always felt oppressed by the rest of the country and its interests underrepresented.

    2) and that's also my usual reason: Some English speakers just come in anywhere thinking anyone and everyone speaks English, no matter where they are and where they go. They take FOR GRANTED that everyone is going to speak English to them and will think one is ignorant if he/she does not speak English. I can speak English fluently but it still irks me. As a polite, well-mannered tourist or visitor, you should ask, "Hi, do you speak English?" and not go, "Hey, I'll have this and that....'', thinking you're still at home. English-speaking tourists are the only ones with that mentality, and I know it's not meant to be rude, but that's how it comes off.

    I would also like to know where you're from...

    Katlyn: Go get a history lesson. Quebec French is directly derived from the French spoken by the Royal Family and upper-class in the 17th and early 18th century. Observers coming from France to New France would say people here spoke with no accent whatsoever! Quebec French was moreover shaped by the FRENCH settlers that came to colonize New France and all spoke different dialects (people only spoke ''French'' in and around Paris back then) and had to find a common ground for language. Tadaa!

    My allusion to Rome, Italy could have been applied to anywhere else. You can't expect Quebecers to want their signs to be in English when +80% of the population speaks French as their first language! what is this? Bill 101 is anything but discriminatory...If a sign NEEDS to be in English, it WILL be in French AND English.

    Anglo-Quebecers are most certainly the best-treated minority in the whole country. ALL services you can possibly imagine are provided in English, from community services to education. You go and ask the French Canadians living in Ontario, Manitoba or Saskatchewan if they receive equally good services? You will get a big loud NO.

    You certainly went to the wrong places or perhaps the problem was your attitude. But we're renowned to be one of the friendliest and most welcoming people in the world to tourists. If you couldn't appreciate our differences, or bear to find yourself in a place where the sacred English language wasn't used extensively, that's your problem.

  10. That is SUCH a good question !

    But i think its cuz a long time ago, when the english people won over canada and all, the quebec people were a little insulted (sry for my bad history). Ive been to quebec so often, and its true, when i speak english they just ignore me and act as if i was this space creature or something. I dont know if any of you are aware of this, but Paul Mcartney just did a show in quebec, and all over the newspapers was that they were insulted cuz he was english, seriously !!!!

    I live in ottawa, and we are not big fans of quebec, because of being the capital : They want to be a new country, be separated of canada, all because they were the capital before !

    I kinda understand why you are never going back there again.

  11. Can't say I know anyone who has shared your experience. I live in northern Ontario, where many people speak French, and ten minutes from the Quebec border.........I grew up in southern Ontario, and have limited French. I have never had a problem.....could it be your attitude? you seem rather high strung?

    *I think you need more bran in your diet. The only problem lies between politicians, not the people.

  12. I have to disagree that the French Canadiens are so mean to English speaking people. However, in my case, I did make some attempt to know some French before venturing to the French part of Canada in order to show some respect as well as decrease the language barrier. Yes, most of the signs are in French in the Quebec province the same as signs in the US or English speaking provinces are in English. But all in all, I have found that there are many that will help you if you attempt to know somewhat of the French language, which was my experience in Quebec. I also think that just as the French do not expect everyone to understand their language when visiting the US or most of Canada, the same should be applied when non French speaking persons enter Quebec.

    In any event, I have visited Quebec a few times and will come more often. I will tell you this. I enjoyed Quebec City over Montreal. More country orientated.

  13. Interesting comment. My experiences were the opposite. I went to Montreal for a short visit and had no problems at all. I live in Ontario and am an Anglophone. I can't wait to return for a longer visit.

  14. The official language of Quebec is French.

    Look at the article of Quebec on wikipedia and you will understand…

    Québec :

  15. you must be extremely ignorant.. english is not banned in Quebec, almost all the signs have the english below it in smaller letters and a lot of people in Quebec are able to speak english but they don't because being French-Canadian is something that the people there are extremely proud of and they are determined to keep the main language as French and this is becoming difficult for them as more and more people speak English. If you are rude to them, they will be rude back

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