
Why are the people on yahoo answers so evil to those in emotional distress? ?

by  |  earlier

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I mean some of the people that come to yahoo answers are only looking for help and all they get are jerks who come in and tear down what little self esteem these people have it is disgusting i mean it isn't a crime to be weak or lost its not like everyone knows where they are going in life or how to deal with their issues but the jerks on yahoo answers love to kick people when they are down call them names, tell suicidal people they are pathetic, egg people on to actually kill themselves, and worst of all some guys on yahoo answers tend to flaunt their supposed superiority over those who are having mental issues why do people on yahoo answers pick on those who are already feeling down and out i find it disgusting that human beings can treat each other in this manner for all we know when some a*****e tell a depressed person that their life is worthless on yahoo answers that depressed person kill him or her self because they came seeking for answers and help and instead was attacked why are people on here so d**n evil?




  1. Please report those posts.  Just report them and move on.

  2. i dont know. i dont get how some people can be so heartless? i poured my heart out once here about how much i hated my body and wanted to know the best way to fix it quickly and safely and people were telling me that 'they were fatter, so what?' but thats not helpful. they need to go away. some people joke around with other peoples emotions because they think its a joke. i have NO idea where they even got that idea but they are insanely harsh and need to go away and leave it to the people with questions, and the people with answers. you just have to report the posts though. help get rid of those creeps. please! :]

  3. Because the mean people are weak little ******* IRL so they compensate online. They are probably pissed off because their mummy wouldn't let them go to the movies.

  4. Well your paragraph has many layers of both implicit and explicit meaning so here goes:  everyone who is a martyr needs someone to martyr them and unfortunately sadism is the flip side of masochism.  Mental illness is as feared as people who have seizures.  In the middle ages, ( not so long ago) people believed that epileptics were possessed by demons. It is easy to be cruel under the guise of anonymity and also to be rude.  I am sure that for every cruel answer there is a helpful answer but it is best to realize that this is not a society that encourages the latter.  In Santa Monica, CA  the city council considered  passing  a law making it illegal to give a hand out to a homeless person. Maybe there are better sites on which to bare your soul than this one?    

  5. some people take pleasure in being mean.

  6. Flag these posts, and next time you ask a question, put a side not saying that sarcastic and hurtful answers are not welcome.

  7. Unfortunately there are people who have such low self-esteem that they think hurting others is a good thing.  I personally find it difficult to see how hurtful some uninformed people can be.

    Reporting abuse is a responsibility that I take seriously here.  I DO report any answers that try to convince someone that their suicide would be a good thing.

    Try to do the same thing.   You can't fix the whole community, but you CAN report abuse.  If the same person is reported enough, they will be removed from the community.

    I also do try to be as encouraging as I can be for people who are struggling or are in crisis.  You can do the same.  You never know when just the one kind word will make the difference between someone hanging on and getting help or being more discouraged.  Pass on as much positive energy as you can and know you have made a difference.

    Good luck and keep up the good work,


  8. Because some Yahoo Answerers can tell who really is in 'emotional distress' and who just want e-attention.  

    Most answer questions seriously when it sounds like someone has a real problem that they don't know the answer to, but other questions like 'I'm suicidal, what should I do?' and then they go on to explain that they don't know why they're depressed and how their parents don't love them are just asking for some troll to say something sarcastic.  Some of these questions have already been asked by countless amount of people.  People should ask a question that's open for discussion.  Not a 'go to the doctor, you need meds' type of answer.  We're not evil, we're just rational people answering people's questions.  If you don't like the answer, then that's too d**n bad.

  9. its because they have absolutely no lives and have fun by causing others pain..

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