I mean some of the people that come to yahoo answers are only looking for help and all they get are jerks who come in and tear down what little self esteem these people have it is disgusting i mean it isn't a crime to be weak or lost its not like everyone knows where they are going in life or how to deal with their issues but the jerks on yahoo answers love to kick people when they are down call them names, tell suicidal people they are pathetic, egg people on to actually kill themselves, and worst of all some guys on yahoo answers tend to flaunt their supposed superiority over those who are having mental issues why do people on yahoo answers pick on those who are already feeling down and out i find it disgusting that human beings can treat each other in this manner for all we know when some a*****e tell a depressed person that their life is worthless on yahoo answers that depressed person kill him or her self because they came seeking for answers and help and instead was attacked why are people on here so d**n evil?