
Why are the polar beras dying?

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Why are the polar beras dying?




  1. It`s been said, environmentalist take 50 pictures of one dead polar bear, then tells everyone look! 50 dead polar bears. Please send money

  2. In short because of global warming the ice caps are melting. When this happens it destroys the eco-system.  Once this happens and the food chain is interrupted, everything along the way is affected, including polar bears.

    What a sad world it would be without polar bears!

  3. Polar bear are fantastic swimmers but they have their limits,

    the distances are very great ,between the floating bits of ice ,and are getting more all the time and the ice islands are getting less.

    many get trapped by the spaces of water so to speak ,

    Also wading through slush is very exhausting ,And ice does not support them any more so they are crawling half swimming ,very sad to see

    they cannot walk and pounce as they did to hunt seal before .

    the time span between meals is to great to keep cubs alive or maintain energy for long distance swimming

    Watch a BBC documentary by David Attenborough

    he did about 15 movies called Planet earth

    the ones called Future ,the ice worlds ,from Pole to Pole ,

    covers the poles and shows footage of polar bears swimming

    And they can drown eventually from exhaustion

    you have to see the film to realize the distances involved.

    Also some very impressive stuff with polar bears attacking Walruses in desperation ,because their normal game and normal way of hunting ,of seals on ice is gone.

    So Hunger is also doing the bears in.

    this goes with the changes in Habitat

    If the bears are near land they may adjust and start hunting people, the next game on their list

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