
Why are the police in Frederick County, Maryland killing so many people?

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Why are the police in Frederick County, Maryland killing so many people?




  1. I haven't seen anything about this... but one things for sure, Frederick isn't what it used to be.  The "cheaper" housing up there has brought in some people that wouldn't have been there 10 years ago.  With that said, maybe there are some gangs that have been forming.  I'll have to ask my buddy about this... he lives up there... on some mountain.  Stay safe!

  2. I haven't heard anything about any killing there.  Show me a news article or it didn't happen.

  3. I used to live in "Fredneck" and I would suggest low education levels, poor training, and rampant corruption.

  4. The police there are dealing with a bad situation,,,,,,,sometimes they have no choice.

  5. because so many situations are coming up in which they have to

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