
Why are the police so cherished by people?

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Often wondered why the boys in blue are so loved,except of course the trolls and n'er do well's who always criticise the magnificent men in blue?




  1. I guess because people are glad that they have protection from crimes in their own and appreciate the work they do on a daily basis.

  2. If a policeman gets mudered,it's a more serious crime than a civilian murder,but when a policeman is found to be thief,or corrupt,or taking bribes,it's less serious than a civilian doing the same.

    The police should have to face tougher than normal sentencing,as they are in the public trust,and our custodians of the rule of law,but the police seem to be above the law.They are overpaid and under achieved.Their pension is truely huge and available from aged 50

  3. Whatever community you are policing for pal, stay with them. Do they have any more jobs available?

  4. Because without them you'd be living in a jungle where the strong and the mean survive and weak pansy flakes like you would be eaten alive.

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