
Why are the qualities of flexibility and suppleness, especially as exemplified by water, superior to rigidity?

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Why are the qualities of flexibility and suppleness, especially as exemplified by water, superior to rigidity?




  1. Ridge does not bend well, once fixed, it stays. Fluid is adaptable, water can take the shape of what ever vessel it finds it's self in, kind of like us!


  2. superior is a perception, a point of view, a judgment.  We all have them.  Have you ever wrapped your arms around a 400 yr. old Redwood or Cedar tree and looked up to the top of it and felt the tree's energy, vastness, wisdom, the depth of it's roots and experienced "awe?"  I also love, own & have used different crystals, precious stones & gems that I hold and meditate with, and used in energy healings.  There are superb qualities in each so I believe the question is more about one's perception.

  3. Never had a girlfriend huh?

    OK to be fair that would be a matter of hydraulics also.

    Seriously though, the desirabiltiy/superiority of a quality is based on the requirements of the task.

    Flexibility is not inately superior to rigidity.

  4. Read the Tao Te Ching.  That should philosphically get you a start.

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