
Why are the questions in this volleyball forum so incredibly lame?

by  |  earlier

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I want to read Gordon Morrison's answer, & others who'd like to chime in.

I read other sports forums here (football, basketball, & boxing). Most of the Q's on those other forums are thoughtful, interesting, & substantive. Only a few Q's in this forum can be characterized that way. It seems as if the questions on the other forums are being asked by adults, while the questions in this forum are being asked by juveniles. There's nothing wrong with juveniles asking questions, of course, but why are there no substantive, "meaty" questions about v-ball on this forum?

Most of the questions I see here are of this variety:

1. Do you serve underhand or overhand?

2. What are some good ace cheers?

3. What's a good team name?

4. Where can I buy v-ball shoes?

5. Why do women wear spandex?

6. Can you design a t-shirt for my team?

7. Why do women wear revealing clothes when it's cold outside?

These kinds of nonsense Q's are rarely asked in the other forums.

Your thoughts on this?




  1. because often they are actual players instead of sports fans. so they want practical advice. instead of "who is going to win?" "are the patriots overrated" "who is the best basketball player of alltime".

    They ask for training tips, team tips, equipment tips etc. Also, since they are players, they are generally younger. Many are beginners. There are a few "older" people around that do an amazing job answering questions though. :D

    Oh, and for some reason, we tend to have alot of questions that seem like they should be in other categories?!? i really dont understand this.

  2. dude just shut upp

    you just jelouse cause you probly cant play volleyball.

  3. We have more beginners here than in other sports-related forums... and more girls asking questions that they did not dare to ask in front of their coaches.

    If you check the math section, there could be questions like "x^2=1-x^2 ; x=?". Compared to that this section has more life.

  4. Well I have never answered a question in this section but my guess would be that Volleyball does not really have a  league with a big following like the NFL,NBA,MLB, or the NHL. Alot of questions in the football section for example have to do with the NFL. So there are not many questions you can ask here.

    Just try to think of one, Its not that easy.

  5. beacuse volleyball sucks...

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