
Why are the questions on the uk site so banal?

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Questions on the US site seem much more intelligent and varied. Why are so many of the questions on the UK site so ridiculous/childish?




  1. We're drunk, come join the partAy.

  2. Yes, like this one I'm answering. If the US site is so much more intelligent, why are the yanks always getting on to the UK and Ireland site and answering questions with $ and Walmart when the question clearly implies £ and UK context? Maybe they are bored with the US site, or maybe they just can't read to tell where they are. You figure that out.

  3. granny grim is an intelligent user name ? i think not

    why try to stir up trouble on here by asking ridiculous childish questions  

  4. There's much more traffic on the US site so it may be that you are just noticing the greater number of better questions on the US site against the inevitably smaller number from the UK.

  5. That's because all the intelligent Brits such as yourself are here

  6. you know something i may be wrong but i think he just insulted us, if we are such a ridiculas and childish bunch then why are you wasting your time asking us questions and reading our obviously ridiculas answers

  7. Maybe they already have the answers to serious things and only have questions about ridiculous things?

  8. You mean like your question which a 5 year old would ask.

    Do you know what banal (means related to a banana) means by the way?

  9. To much drinking going on there.  

  10. 80% of the questions u see are posted by under 14

  11. Because there's a group on here who have taken over - it is used as a chat room.

    Like this question, I suppose.

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