
Why are the railway tracks covered with stones?

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Why are the railway tracks covered with stones?




  1. There needs to be a strong base for the tracks that keeps them elevated above the ground, is capable of withstanding tons of crushing pressure and won't crack under the pressure.

  2. Thats how the bums mark where they will pass out and be cut in half.

  3. and for saftey of anybody walking on one.  its a lot harder to get ur foot stuck when ther are rocks between the crossties(the wooden beems the tracks lay on).

  4. for decoration

  5. 2

  6. for balancing the force

  7. So you can throw rocks at passing trains.

  8. Nope all of you are WRONG. I work for a railroad company so you can trust what I am about to say. There is no doubt that what I am about to say is in fact the correct answer and all of your answers are in fact wrong. Because of the fact that I am currently employed by a railroad company that means that what I am about to say is the truth and should be believed by all. So what I am about to say is the real answer. So have no doubt in your mind that what you are about to read is the truth behind why rocks are put under railroad tracks. Finally the truth be told.

  9. The rocks keep the tracks from moving.  Water seeps through the rocks which keeps the ground underneath the rocks more solid.  If there were no rocks, the dirt would move and therefore make the tracks unstable.  Actually the rocks are there for elevation purposes.

  10. DaveT is on the Money. Its a Type of Corduroy base.

  11. to support rail and ties.

  12. Simple, where the heck else are we going to put left over rocks from our gardens?

  13. Dave T is exactly correct. Since the rails are held down by gravity the ballest keeps everything stable.

  14. for the purpose of balance

  15. Hi, The stone is called Ballast. A few reasons It keeps the ties from sinking in mud when it rains, locks the ties from moving in the ballast so the track dosen't shift. Water drains from around the ties so they dont' rot out. And No they are not there to be picked up to throw at trains. Dave P.S. I work for a rail road. Big Jermini, walking on the tracks, not a good thing K? They can come up on you pretty fast, time you figure it out, your history, I know 1st hand. JeepK, Your kinda? Full of it, but, have to like your moxie. Lol

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