
Why are the religious directly responsible?

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for everything wrong in life?

I know you hid my remote control in the freezer today. I don't make mistakes.

Logically that means you did it. You're the reason for everything that's ever gone wrong in life ever! *grumble*grumble*




  1. I am absolutely sure that some of the atheists, if not most of them, are sick of your giving them a bad name. Most are very tolerant; I expect that you ought to take some lessons from them.

  2. I know it's my fault.  But hey, I got big shoulders.

  3. They are not responsible for EVERYTHING wrong in your life, just a helluva lot of what is wrong.  Don't forget to blame your parents, after all, all those crappy genes you got didn't come from the Christians...unless of course, mommie dearest and daddy dumpling are also Christians, then you have a double whammy of evil.

  4. dont be gross with nose and ridiculous

  5. Wow! I am amazed to meet a self-proclaimed atheist. I have only accepted Christ as my Savior, as of 7 months now. I was reared Southern Baptist, and I ran from Christianity due to the lack of faith and hyprocisy I experienced as a child. I ran in circles of immorality,  practiced in the occult, and you name it. I had no doubt that God existed the entire time, but was afraid of changing my behavior for many reasons. I was afraid of failure, ridicule, lack of fun and acceptance and the list continues. I have listened to the views of atheists, agnostics, (as I was one for most of my adult life) Christians, Catholics etc. I have researched these as well. I simply could not help but to know God not only existed, but is the all powerful and all knowing. I suppose you do not believe in the mythological gods either. They existed also, and still do. They are known to me as demons, and I have the privelege of seeing them and being attacked by them for the above sins listed. The fact you do not believe will save you from this until it is too late, because Satan is quite cunning. He will not reveal this truth if he has people where he wants them. Why are the religious directly responsible, you ask? It is because they do not tell people the truth about Satan and his demons to fill their seats and pockets. Read the Bible. God makes it more than clear that this will continue until the very end. Religion is directly responsible for the non-belief and non-truths that are sending people to disaster. I urge you to for a minute to ask God to prove his existence to you. I beg you not to do it in a mocking way, but sincerely. It will backfire on you if you do not do this as I have instructed. I promise you as a risk to my very calling by God to reveal the truth, He will let you know and soon. He may even call you as a result, so I instruct you to listen and not let pride involving your current belief, stand in the way. We all have the right to change our opinions, and the knowledge will set you above the others. I am not saying you will see demons as I have, so do not let fear take place over this decision. You may get knowledge in a positive way. Only God knows what you are to see and feal as a result to this decision. I have researched your belief, so do me the honor of researching mine by a simple prayer. I will list it in the source box. I know you will be of great service after doing this, and I look forward to meeting you during the hard time coming. That is all I am allowed to say at this time. Love, light and truth - Ivy

  6. You're consistently weakening my respect for people of faith. For their sake, stop representing them. No rational freethinker would make arguments like yours.

  7. Because you are the MOST religious in your attempts to discredit other, so YOU must be directly responsible for EVERY thing wrong in life.

    (After all, you are religiously attacking others, with a religious fervor, making YOU the object of your own criticism!)

    Additional comment:

    You mean you've never heard of someone who attends EVERY football game, RELIGIOUSLY?

    Religion is not about gods, goddesses or God, but about the ritualistic way you DO things, like complaining about others - you do it VERY religiously.

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