
Why are the republicans accusing the media of being sexist towards sarah palin when they made a button that ?

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read "the hottest vp from the coldest state"? if she were a man would they say that? do they not see that they are the ones belittling her? why are they such hypocrites?




  1. That button isn't sexist, its honest truth. The sexist part is that if Palin were a man, nobody would say a word about the kids. The proof is right there with Obama. He has two small kids and a wife that works full time, yet nobody questions his ability to be a good father.

  2. I'm sure you've seen FoxNews, right? They are all for having women who are attractive front and center. They objectify women all the time, but they don't view that as sexist at all.  

  3. they are not hypocrites.. they are just trying to tear down the establishment [media] that has been trying to tear down palin since she was announced..  

  4. Kind of like the t-shirt she wore herself, with the slogan advertising her b*****s

  5. The button is truthful and not sexists. Understand the difference please.

  6. No...that IS sexist.  They are purposely using her for her looks to get votes, esp. from working class males.  They made it clear tonight that Palin is the farthest thing from Hillary (unless you only care about vaginas).  That button is horrible.  It's one thing for people to notice and think she's attractive (which she is)...its another to have your party use your looks to promote the campaign....that is the same thing as hiring someone based on looks and not qualifications.  It's sexist, indeed.

  7. I would wager that individuals made those, not the RNC.  Also, at least they are using in a playful fashion and not trying to tear someone down based on their gender.  It's like those silly "crush on Obama" t-shirts.  

  8. the liberals were all for voting in a woman as president but not as vice president to a man who will probably croak before his term is up. they are treating Obama like some kind of celebrity or god but it's not okay to think that our future vice president is a very good looking lady.

    whose the hypocrite now?

  9. If she was a man would they say she should stay at home and raise her children better?

    Joe Biden and his criminal son prove they would not.

    Anything else?

  10. Ok sweetie get with the program that is a belittling statement in itself! Think of what you just said if it was a man then they wouldn't have done that! It's a sideways slam! Political parties don't always just spell it out for you sorry but they are doing every nasty thing that can to that woman and ask yourself why??? All she has done is accepted the nomination they would have tried to belittle any one that was chosen but her being a woman it helped them find more ways to do it.

  11. Oh God you Obama people crack me up. The only hypocrites here are the Democrats first they are all liberal feminists and now the woman should stay home with her kids..make up your mind people. You will all be so sorry if Obama wins and this becomes a socialist country. Geez my 2 year daughter knows NOBAMA!!

  12. they always have been,. Where is the suprise?

  13. A liberal using the word hypocrite.....

    Think on that one lol

  14. The button is meant in good humor, but it's also true haha.

    Regardless, the GOP isn't questioning her ability to be both a mother to a child with disabilities and the Vice President of the United States.  No one asked George Bush if he could handle the Presidency when his daughters were crazy and out of control at the beginning of his administration, did they?  No, they didn't.

    Besides, you should never question a mother's ability to be a mother, it's rude and disrespectful.

  15. I guess it's like when they call Obama "racist."  

    See if they fling the accusation first, maybe it'll fool some people into thinking the republican party isn't a refuge of racism and sexism itself.

  16. hypocracy is their platform.  their lame attempt to go beyond their sexist belifs is almost funny if it were not so pathetic and disrespectful of women.

  17. If I call a female co-worker "hot" I'll be fired and probably sued for sexual harrassment.  Even Rush's comment that she is a "babe" would garner the same response.

    oh well, nothing like a good double standard that some of us have to live by.

  18. Why don't you go put on your Obama Bro's Before Ho's t shirt,sweetie.

  19. First off ...the media went after palin with every thing ...attacking her children..after she was accused of covering up her son trig as being the child of one of her they try to discredit a 17 year old if she didn't have enough problems with being pregnant...they tried to question palin's experience ...but she has more and has done more than Obama or less then they say How can she be VP or Possibly President with 5 kids and one being a special needs  child a pregnant can she do this effectively....THAT'S Sexist....No one said anything about the Obama's ...they have 2 small children ..what about michelle first lady she will have to travel and juggle her hasn't said that yet....It is Obvious the Media is primarily democratic they slam Sarah ...and repeat Obama's redorick and all you sheepish Democrats follow repeating the same don't even have a clue what Obama's really going to change it's just false hype.....the buttons were not made by poloticians or the mccain people ...but the people attending the convention...big difference...there not attacking or running for office...BTW...what happened to the Obama girls...OH forgot that one HUH!     your canidate is a false alarm..gifted speaker that has all you liberals fooled ....liberal sheep,

    And GOD IS NOT nor WOULD NOT Be A DEMOCRAT..UNTIL YOU (DEMS) CHANGE YOUR STANCE ON LIFE!!!!!!!   PRO LIFE...!!! REMEMBER...HE CREATED IT !!! ONLY HE DECIDES WHEN IT ENDS......!!!!! WHEN ,HOW & WHY!!!!!!!!! Yes this is a womans body ...but where not talking about plastic surgery...this a life....would you kill your favorite pet ..or a liter of puppies you didn't want...NO!!!! YOU FIND THEM A HOME!!!!!!!

  20. Hypocrisy is part of the game.

  21. To compliment a woman on her looks is not sexist.  To belittle her by suggesting that she cannot raise her children and do anything else is.

  22. I hear you!!!! I cannot believe that button!!!

    They should be ashamed to call the Dems sexist just because they are criticizing her experience level...The Reps ALWAYS have to make it a race/s*x thing!!!

    That button offended me, and i'm not even a feminist!!!

  23. Newsflash:  God is not a Democrat.  Democrats and their sense of humor........................

  24. Nobody ever told a Man that he could not be a Politician because he has 5 children.

    The Media has acted in a very Sexist Manner towards Palin.

    Nobody  ever made that comment about Barack or Michelle then again Nobody ever accused Michelle of being hot either.

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