
Why are the repubs so obsessed with al gore?

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does the democratic party even care about him anymore?




  1. I care about him.  In fact, I wish he were on the ballot instead of Obama.  They are still sore about losing the vote in 2000.

  2. I thought it was funny what Mitt said about him just now in his speech.

    Keep that private jet grounded........................LOL

  3. because with all the "green"talk..he is one of the biggest polluters..his electric bill was something like 4 grand a month and he wanted me to cut  mine in half..umm mine is only 150ish for a family of four..i dont know should i turn the breakers off..thats all im wondering..i think this is hilarious

  4. What are you talking about??

    People are "obsessed" with Al Gore's cRaZy pursuit of making tons and tons of illegitimate MONEY off of the supposed global warming.

    Other than that, no republican gives two hoots for Mr. Gore, politically.

  5. why are the libatards obsessed with George Bush?

  6. I do not think anyone is, I am rep. and I am in no way obsessed with that dreamer!! idiot!

  7. Al Gore is one of the pillars of the Democrat Party and it is the reason why they lost in the last two elections.

  8. Because it is an "inconvient truth" that Al may be right about this global warming thing.  Most of the Repubs don't believe that we have anything to do with global warming, some don't even believe there is any warming...they are just sticking their heads in the sand.    

  9. oh come off it, if he were running the dnc would be saying "Barack Who?"

  10. Because they have no success to stand on.

    Did Romney ground his private jet yet.

    Fight government growth and spending?

    Then mention Reagan and Bush?

    Case closed.

  11. People who are in denial get angry when the subject that they are denying comes up. This can lead to an obsession .

    Did you read where a large chunk of Ice broke off into the Atlantic ? I mean large.

  12. I haven't heard anyone - and certainly not the republicans - who give a rats @zz about Al Gore.  He's old news.

  13. who? Al Bore?

  14. Who?

    Crickets chirping

  15. None of them have a Nobel prize.

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