
Why are the rich hatted so much in America. No poor guy has ever offered me a job?

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Plus there are more millionairs in America today than ever before?? Why does Obama want to spread my money among those who did not work for it???




  1. It comes down to ENVY. There's a reason that throughout history every religion with exception of Socialism has held "envy" to be one of the greatest sins. It is the most poisonous and destructive traits in existence but is indispensible for demagogues, particularly Socialists. But there have been examples of anti-Socialists demagogues resorting to envy as a political tactic as well. The difference is that for Socialism it is the rule rather than the exception. Socialism thrives on misery, not myrrh. The most destructive thing Europe has ever invented and exported is Socialism. The necessity to find an “enemy” has lead to an endless series of conflicts throughout the world resulting not in the improvement of lives but the destruction of them. Africa has suffered from Socialism more than almost anyone.

    “It seems to be almost a law of human nature that it is easier for people to agree on a negative program – on the hatred of an enemy, on the envy of those better off – than on any positive task. The contrast between the “we” and the “they,” the common fight against those outside the group, seems to be an essential ingredient in any creed which will solidly knit together a group for common action.” – Friedrick Hayek

    Such a program works well for the military but has proven to be the number one cause of human misery from time immemorial. Young vs old, rich vs poor, white vs black, man vs woman, straight vs g*y. The quest to find a victim group and convince them that they are victims because of the very existence of the other group is the weapon of choice for Socialists.

  2. No poor guy has laid you off either so that his stock can go up a 1/4 of a point.

  3. Yeah, there's no such things as mom and pops and small business enterprise in America.  Most small business owners would not classify themselves as rich.

  4. Just the dems hate the rich.

    It goes with their socialism and they want to redistribute the wealth.

  5. I think the rich like their hats.

  6. It is so difficult for the poor to adequately exploit these days.

    The rich are not hated - DA - only when their methods of accomplishing it are illegal, explotative, or immoral. In line with the scriptures - Americans tend to be a God-filled nation. Help any?

    And in your question lays your true character - jobs or wages are not given - they are earned by the poor and usually twice won.The crooks are always looking for the poor or the tax payer to 'give' them something. You give to the poor because he has no tunic and you have been blessed with two. Take that through the eye of the needle with you.

  7. Because American liberalism is a form of mental retardation.

  8. well, lets all take a minute to feel sorry for you

  9. cause dem's hate capitalism which our founding fathers fought for.......

    they just don't get it that socialism has never worked in any country

    Russia, China, and all countries that were under communism/socialism went broke and now they are for capitalism and they are seeing the light.

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