One can cite the vast disparity of wealth in the U.S. (the greatest since the Great Depression). One can point out the positive economic effects of a progressive tax structure, comparing the U.S. economy over the past 8 years to the economy under the Clinton or Eisenhower administration. One can make the argument that the economic and material well being of the poor and middle classes bear directly on the health of the economy as a whole, or any number of other cogent arguments and the responses are always the same: a never ending barrage of the same Milton Friedman, supply side, trickle down, free market b.s. that has taken the U.S. to the brink of another Great Depression with a smattering of fear mongering about what the powerful rich will do to the powerless poor and middle classes if we dare to raise their taxes, as if the rich haven't already moved all our manufacturing overseas and created a slave labor class in the U.S. Who are these YA respodents? Rich people? Sycophants?