
Why are the three numbers 666 the mark of the beast? As some people call it.?

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I was watching the movie "The Omen" with my parents and I asked them the question. Neither of them were sure why. Could anyone please fill me in? Thank you =D




  1.  There is a psalm whith two oppening lines, and four columns, 3 columns with 60 lines and one with 40. Each line, verse, has three different readings, qére, ketiv and reverse reading.

    It was found near Botorrita, Spain, and now in the archaeological museum of Zaragoza. It´s called the third bronze of Botorrita.


  2. The King James translates:

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    -One interpretation is that 666 encodes the letters of someone’s name or title, identifying the Antichrist.

    The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The Number is 666 in most manuscripts of the New Testament, and in modern translations and critical editions of the Greek text. However, there is some doubt about the original reading; modern studies have shown that the earliest known manuscript of the Book of Revelation (from the 3rd century) used 616. One 11th century manuscript also shows 665. This topic is a source of contention for many church groups and theologians. Some scholars contend that the number 666 is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero, others that 616 is a code for the Roman Emperor Caligula. The 666 is Ancient Egyptian Kabbalistic square of the Sun

  3. 666 isnt really the mark of the beast its just a number people associate the devil with.

  4. 6 is the number of man (as distinct from God).  The positions of the triumvirate correspond to body-mind-spirit.  So 666 represents godless body, godless mind, godless spirit.  That is, the anti-Christ.  Christ's number is 777: God-filled body, God-filled mind, God-filled spirit.

  5. The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation in the New Testament in the Bible. The Number is 666 . However, there is some doubt about the original translation. A Discovery Channel documentary a few years ago said that modern translations and studies have shown that the earliest known manuscript of the Book of Revelation (from the 3rd century) used 616 and that one 11th century manuscript also shows 665. Some scholars contend that the number 666 is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero (the Ancient Hebrew alphabet was represented by numbers), others that 616 is a code for the Roman Emperor Caligula. Most of this explanation comes from

    Go to to learn how these numbers were assigned to these names.

    In lay men's terms, the numbers 666 were mistranslated to stand for the mark of the Antichrist who is supposed to come back to Earth and fool us all into thinking he is the second coming of Christ. Those that fall for him, according to these Bible scholars, will be condemned to h**l.

    Hope this helps.

  6. well the beast appears 2/3 into the apocalyptic vision and 2/3 is .666

  7. The '666' is not 'the mark of the beast.'  It is the number of the beast.  Allow me to elaborate:

    Alexandria, you are asking about the 666 of the Book of Revelation.  I do know who he WAS and I know that they were... TWO.

    Most people misread Revelation (and yes, it is REVELATION, singular, NOT revelations). That passage about the 666 is written in the PRESENT tense, NOT in the future tense. This means that the Author of Revelation was identifying a certain historical personage alive and well when Revelation was written, NOT someone yet to come.

    First of all, Revelation (or the Apocalypses of St. John) was a singular revelation made to the Author of the Book of Revelation. It is NOT a blueprint of the future. You see, the people of the time of Revelation had their own problems to worry about. They were NOT concerned with what was going to happen in the 21st. Century. Remember, they were being fed to the lions then and in fact, most early Christians did not believe that this old world was going to last this long!

    So to understand the meaning of the 666 you have to look at the passage with their mentality, not our own 21st. Century mentality. Also, remember, Revelation was NOT originally written in English, nor were their numerals necessarily the same Arabic Numerals common to us today. Finally, understand that the Jews and early Christians of the 1st. Century AD (when Revelation was written) were bilingual Hebrew and Greek. To these people (who were also big into numerology), the number six signified imperfection. Indeed, it was half the value of the number of God which was Twelve. Six expressed three times signified COMPLETE imperfection. So who was the 666??? Why none other than Caesar Nero, the very person responsible for St. John's exile to the Island of Patmos where Revelation was revelated to St. John. Interestingly enough, when the name of Nero is written in Hebrew and a numeric value is assigned to each letter of his name, it totals up to: 666.

    Now I've stated that he was 'two;' remember what Revelations states about St. John being amazed that the Beast received a mortal head wound, yet lived again? This is true. Nero commited suicide by striking himself on the neck (head) with his own sword. He was succeeded by his nephew Domitian, who turned out to be an even worse persecutor of the early Christians. Interestingly enough, when the name of Domitian is written out in Greek and a numeric value is assigned to each letter of his name, it adds up to... You guessed it, 666!

    Amazing? Perhaps not; I think it is Divine Providence. God, after all, does have a sense of humor. In any case, both of these historic personages are NO LONGER WITH US and so the Beast of Revelation, the infamous 666 is real but historical and not one yet to come as movies such as THE OMEN would have us believe.

    I hope that helped.


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