
Why are the trees not our friends anymore?

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  1. Look what we have done to them and all their friends, If they could they would kill us all. Listen to "The Trees" by Rush.

  2. Thjey are our friends. They give you  home, food, water and much more. But we have stopped treating them as friends and consider only as resources, ignoring the life in them. We go on irritate them by such acts. On the long run they may truly turn against us and stop being even a resource.

    Only god can save us then

  3. they are

  4. Because you've stopped hugging them.

  5. 1. They are.

    2. ever go to a parking lot without trees when it's hot outside?  Yep, the trees are great shade still!!!

  6. Because they listened to the whispering grass!

  7. bless you old hippy person

  8. I wonder who told you that they were our friends to begin with ?

  9. Because they're slow to anger, and only now are they starting to go "ow" to all of the deforestation we've been perpetrating upon them and theirs.

    Wait till they start flexing those roots under our tarmac and asphalt and the foundations of buildings. Nothing is safe from trees.


  10. because they think they are all grown up and don't think they need you

  11. were they ever our friend!!!

  12. They are, I love trees, the best place in the world to be during a hot summer day is under a huge shady tree,  wonderful!!!

  13. because we're so mean to them :P

  14. The answer to your questions comes from The Hobbit:

    Between Bree and the Shire is the Old Forest, mostly unchanged for generations of men and hobbits. Legends have been handed down that the Old Forest is dangerous, that the trees listen and watch and do not like strangers, and that open tracks seem to shift and change. Some hobbits insist that the trees move about and at times surround intruders and hem them in. Old stories declare that in daylight the trees are usually content to watch, except for the more unfriendly ones, but at night in the Old Forest things can be most alarming. Certainly it is a fact that something makes paths. In most of the Old Forest one still sees what Frodo and his friends encountered: tree-trunks of innumerable sizes and shapes, straight or bent, twisted, leaning, squat or slender, smooth or gnarled and branched; and all the stems green or grey with moss and slimy, shaggy fungi.........

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