
Why are the victims defending the Perp and is secret neo-con Queen and COMMUNIST princess Hillary fooling you?

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She sits atop BOTH political extremes in American politics today as no one before her in our history. In 1987 the then Ark gov's wife, partner in the states largest, most corrupt law firm and WAL-MART BOARD MEMBER was quoted in the Ark Democrat as she floated the early version of her "global economy"(for the rich) stupidity we were all beat to death with during the 1990 charade which exported the investment required by a generation of Americans to fuel their dreams to the coffers of the Central Committee of China's COMMUNIST party. All to avoid paying a living wage. "Realities of Globalism" she said, to compete with slaves. The Walton/Clinton raid on freedom has nearly achieved their goal and once Hillary is elected WMT will sell to a COMMUNIST front, such as Cosco China Inc, and human freedom will be lost to the world in less than a generation. WAL-MART IS A OPERATING NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT TO THE USA AND MUST BE DISMANTLED! OThe future of freedom depends on it. Your thoughts?




  1. Huh?

    Is a neo-con the opposite of a neo-Stalinist?

  2. And the little green men are coming to get you, too. Put your tinfoil hat back on quick.

  3. We don't want Lefttards like Crazy Hillary Witch and Barrack "Osama". America is best not being a communist nation, because that is what they want.

    Fidel Castro, who killed thousands of innocent people and helped the Soviet Union to try and defeat the United States during the Cold War. He said he hopes Barrack "Osama" or Hillary Witch become president of the US, saying they would be a great "selection to the White House". Why? Why is a crazy communist approving their campaign? Because he wants them there, and not a Republican like Rudy Giuliani, because he knows Giuliani wants to get rid of them, because they are all Crazy dictators who are killing millions of people with something called COMMUNISM! They all hate America! Hugo Chavez hates America and so do all the other communists in this planet:

    North Korea, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil (yes, Lula, president of Brazil, is best friends with Fidel and Chavez and wants the US out of the map too). These are all communists, terrorists and fascists. What is the difference between their political ideologies? NOTHING, they are all the same! They are all genocides, crazy Marxists who want the US dead, just like Osama Bin Laden does!

    Just this week, it was said that terrorists want Hillary as president of the United States, because they love her, saying she is perfect for the job, because then she can get the troops out of Iraq and the terrorists can make a party there and continue killing millions of innocent people, that's why they want the Crazy Witch there!!

    Rudy, you got all of my support and you will do great as president. Do you know why?

    Go to, watch Rudy's videos and you will see honesty and intelligence inside this man, who had to deal with far greater problems in almost a regular basis and who has actually got results from his solutions to every issue. Today, NYC is the safest large city in the US, because of what Rudy did to remove crime there. Rudy wants to win the war against the terrorists to make this nation safer and the world as well. He was right there when the 9/11 occurred, and he learns from what happened in the past, in order to find best solutions for the future. He wants to give American parents full-control over the education of their children. According to him, the parents are the ones that most love their children, who most understand their children and who know what they really want for their future. He will remove bureaucracy and give parents all the control they need to improve education in the country.

    If you go to his website, please go watch his videos and then go watch Crazy Hillary Witch and Barrack "Osama"'s videos. And then ask yourself the following question: What crucial difference do you see between these candidates? Who is telling the truth and who is getting more "into the point of the whole conversation and not giving chick-chat talk to the audience"? Rudy explains what he thinks is the BEST SOLUTION to solve the problem of Education in the US. He then explains WHY that solution will work. And then, he tells you WHY the system we have now is not working and what needs to be solved. This is what I call the right way of explaining to people what they are really going to do if they are president. This is the right way to be specific when answering a question and not CHANGE THE SUBJECT COMPLETELY just like Barrack "Osama" and "Hillary Witch" do! After you listen to Rudy's talk, compare with his two democrat rivals and see if these two democrats really GET ONTO the point of the whole conversation. By the way, they don't. They don't get into the point, they don't use the right method, by giving the audience a solution to the current problem, instead, they give you a 5-minute speech criticizing President Bush's "No Child Left Behind Act". Why is that good for? How does that help them get onto the point and give them the real truth that America deserves to hear about what will be done to improve education in the US? They have no points, and no arguments. The same things goes to economy, the War, Healthcare and all the other issues.

    Mayor Rudy Giuliani, this is a man who learns from the mistakes of the past and everything that the 20th century has to teach us. He intends to learn from the same mistakes we made with Communism, with Hitler, with the Societ Union and all the wars the US has been part of. Here is an honest man, who has all of my support. He has made New York City one of the safest cities in the US and he has actually GOT RESULTS. This is a very important sentence: GOT RESULTS. Now, did Hillary and Obama get any results before? What have they done, besides showing a desire to invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to a tea party and not getting divorced from a man who cheated 1001 times his own wife? Rudy actually got results when he was Mayor, you can see for yourself at NYC, and he intends to do the same thing with America, because we deserve it, we deserve better. A better educaion, a better economy, a better security and a better Healthcare, done the American way. Not the Canadian way, not the French way, not the CUBAN WAY ( Take that, Michael Moore! You Fat Fidel Castro Lover!). Rudy wants the healthcare the American way. Socialized Healthcare (a.k.a. the infamous Hillarycare), will destroy the quality of Healthcare in this country. I know what I am talking about, because I live in Canada and I don't give a [****... the "F" word] to what Michael Moore says in his movie and his nonsense visit to Cuba Paradise ( which is not a paradise, Mike, it's a communist country controlled by a communist government who has all the money they could steal and pays every Cuban a penny per month to smile to the tourists!). I don't care what Fat Fidel Castro Lover says about Healthcare in Canada, but what I know, (As I live here, I guess I have the right to tell the truth), is that for someone to have a surgery here in Canada, it will take you weeks, months, in many cases YEEEEEEEARS to get it done, but sometimes it's too late. That's why many serious Canadians don't wait and go to the US to use their HEALTHCARE! Your listening to that, Mickie? And you still think Hillarycare is the solution!? Ohhh, come on! Again, Rudy has good points and good solution regarding healthcare, because he understands how to find a good solution to the issue, he understands that the best way to make healthcare accessible and cheaper in the US, is to encourage people to use it and let them pay for their own insurance. Rudy's government will pay you to buy your own healthcare, but HE- WILL- NEVER- SOCIALIZE IT, BECAUSE... This .... Would Just Ruin Everything! And that is the right way to do. Not the english way, not the Canadian, french or the Communist Way!, but the American way of finding solutions.

    Rudy. May got bless you and your campaign. And Good Luck with everything! You can change America and you will. The world needs more conservatives like you, and less communists who kill others and destroy society values like Education, Family and Religion.

    You are the only man that the Democrats fear, because you are their worst nightmare. Did you know that? What a dumb question, of course you do. :) They see Ronald Reagan behind your eyes, they see a powerful man who only wants all the good for the world and for the United States of America.

    RUDY FOR PRESIDENT - 2008! ---

    PS: (To Crazy Hillary Witch): Have you heard of what happened with the president of France, who defeated a socialist-communist woman running for president? Of course you did, you just don't want to open your mouth about it, don't you? Because you are too afraid the same thing will happen to you when you face Giuliani at the end of the race! Well, keep praying, because your days are over. The first debate you have with Rudy Giuliani and you will be more sweaty than Richard Nixon against JFK in the Elections of 1960. Since you have no arguments and no solutions to the current issues in America, you simply can't beat a man like Rudy Giuliani, because he is your worst nightmare, isn't he?

    PS: #2 - (To Barrack "Osama" Obama) - Don't worry about your campaign anymore. You know why? Because you will probably not beat Hillary. What a shame, because it would be really fun to see you and Giuliani in a debate and hear about how much you would love to invite your best friend Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the White House for a cup of coffee and maybe discuss about your plans to take Israel out of the map and maybe deny the Holocaust with him too, because you would love that, wouldn't you? And by the way, I can't blame you, it's hard for another democrat to beat Hillary, even you, since she is such a powerful Witch, who has had many opportunities to get divorced, after the 1001 affairs done by her lovely Bill [sarcasm...].... Have you ever asked your Crazy Witch friend why she didn't go for a divorce, Obama? Have you? Well, maybe if you have an affair too, your wife might be extremely popular just like what happened to Hillary and she can run for president the next election...

    RUDY, You Already Won. If "French Rudy" can beat a socialist-communist woman, then you can beat Hillary Witch too.


  4. No one is defending Hillary because she can take care of herself.

    Btw, she is not a communist... the reason I am not going to vote for her is because she is not a liberal and is too much of a hardcore capitalist for me.

    Although, I am considering voting for her just out of spite because morons out there won't read where she stands on the issues and keep attacking her for what she is NOT.

  5. LOL

  6. you mean Her Thighness,Hillary Rotten Clinton the 1st isnt what she claims to be? heavy man

  7. Nice rant.. baseless for the most part. But nice brainless rant

  8. Are you a competitor of Wal-Mart?

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