She sits atop BOTH political extremes in American politics today as no one before her in our history. In 1987 the then Ark gov's wife, partner in the states largest, most corrupt law firm and WAL-MART BOARD MEMBER was quoted in the Ark Democrat as she floated the early version of her "global economy"(for the rich) stupidity we were all beat to death with during the 1990 charade which exported the investment required by a generation of Americans to fuel their dreams to the coffers of the Central Committee of China's COMMUNIST party. All to avoid paying a living wage. "Realities of Globalism" she said, to compete with slaves. The Walton/Clinton raid on freedom has nearly achieved their goal and once Hillary is elected WMT will sell to a COMMUNIST front, such as Cosco China Inc, and human freedom will be lost to the world in less than a generation. WAL-MART IS A OPERATING NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT TO THE USA AND MUST BE DISMANTLED! OThe future of freedom depends on it. Your thoughts?