
Why are the weather forecasts so inacurate?

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I mean its been around for a while now and they still dont know what they are doing?




  1. Because the weather patterns change throughout the day. They try to predict is as well as they can.

  2. They use complex computer models that try to study and predict a large number of factors, based upon historical data and massive amounts of number-crunching.

    Over time, they *have* become more accurate, statistically speaking. But the weather's a complex system, like the economy, so however much the model improves, it will never predict 100% accurately.

    Unless you live in England (chance of rain = 100%)... :-)

  3. mother nature is a finicky person,  what do they say , you can't mess with mother nature?

  4. all weather forecasts are predictions, annd a predictions are and educated GUESS, so forecasts are just a guess not chipped into stone or anything =]

  5. Because the weather men/women do not control the weather, mother nature does.


  6. coz there twats trying to be mind readers who have no life

  7. Because being a meteorologist (weatherman) is the one job that you are allowed to be wrong 100% of the time and still not lose your job.  Therefore, some of them really don't feel the need to try.  I'm not sure what part of the country you're from, but on eyewitness news, Bill Evans is normally (at least partially wrong) every single day.  However, he continues making jokes with the newscasters and acts really silly and immature on the news in the morning broadcast.  I always say, he needs to put all of that energy in predicting a more accurate forecast.  I would compare forecasts among several different TV stations and certain radio stations to see who does the best job predicting the weather.  Here in NJ, NJ 101.5 FM radio seems to have the most accurate forecast.  They are hardly ever wrong.

  8. global warming, and weather satelites ain't accurate they can give false readings and stuff....

  9. That's how meterologists make their money.

  10. because like the u.s. government we like to pretend like we know what we are doing :)

  11. Weather forecasts are very complicated,  especially when the airmass changes for some reason.   I used to forecast a lot for fog and a simple change in windspeed could change the forecast completely.   The ability to forecast a change is what it is all about.

    But I disagree about always being wrong (inaccurate).  Reliability is getting better each year, with newer and more improved models.   I will link you to a weather discussion for Tampa and this is just a part of what a forecaster  considers before making a forecast.  I added in Kansas City to give a better idea of physics involved..

  12. Just my opinion as a student meteorologist, but I don't think we're that inaccurate. Sure, we might forecast a high of 73°F and it only gets to 71°F, but it's still pretty close. Let me give you a quote:

    "Let me tell you something, buster. Without meteorologists, you guys would be up the creek. Who tells you what to wear in the morning? Us. Who tells you if you should bring your umbrella? Us. Who gets you out of the way of tornadoes and hurricanes? Us. Think of the sickness, wetness, destruction and death if it wasn't for us! Next time you decide to curse us for being 3 degrees off on a high or saying how "wrong we are", take a step back and look at the big picture. You need us more than we need you, suckers.

    Take a large, almost round, rotating sphere 8000 miles in diameter, surround it with a murky, viscous atmosphere of gases mixed with water vapor, tilt its axis so it wobbles back and forth with respect to a source of heat and light, freeze it at both ends and roast it in the middle, cover most of its surface with liquid that constantly feeds vapor into the atmosphere as the sphere tosses billions of gallons up and down to the rhythmic pulling of a captive satellite and the sun. Then try to predict the conditions of that atmosphere over a small area within a 5 mile radius for a period of one to five days in advance!"

  13. most of the time they get it right but yah when they really give a inaccurate forecast it makes them look like dumba$$'s

  14. because you cannot really predict the weather....

  15. On NOVA, the PBS series, they said that even with the most advanced computer models, weather reports will ALWAYS be inaccurate. It has to do with probability theory not being able to  completely box in all real life situations.

    Think of it this way: Horse racing is more predictable as to outcome than the weather, and yet no one wins all their bets all the time.

  16. they arent that inacurate, they may have messed upa few times but they dont always messup. so i dont know what yer talking abt

  17. probably one of the most unpredictable phenomenons in the world.  I say you go to school and give it a whirl (get it, whirl nm) I'm sure you will make a huge difference.

  18. In the winter time, it's to get people to work on time.

  19. well i guess women and weather forecasts, have alot in common just can't predict what will happen next

  20. cause u can never be sure what mother nature is gonna do

  21. The weather forecast can be pretty accurate but you have to understand that they can not be 100% accurate just because they have been predicting the weather for so long.  Their are thousands of things that change how hot or cold it will be day to day so their is really no way to know each and how it will change the weather.  It just may take another 20 to 100 years to be 100% accurate on day to day weather changes.

  22. u've noticed 2

    2day i checked and it said it would be 74 degrees

    but on comcast it said 67 degrees

  23. They are just guessing...

    50% 50% are not bad odds.

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