
Why are their numerous Indigenous Australian tribes?

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  1. Australia is the same size in land mass as the United States, there are many different tribes of American Indians, just as there are many different tribes of Koorie people (Indigenous Australian's)

  2. Australia is larger than Europe, so its not really surprising that there is at least as much variation in culture and language amongst the indigenous people here as what there was amongst the people of Europe. The indigenous peoples of Australia have a very long history on the land, and so their tribal identities are strongly tied to the land, and can be quite localised.


    Australia is a pretty large country and the numerous indigenous groups reflect the various environments in which they lived.

  4. Why are their numerous Indigenous Native American tribes?

    Large area, small communities, separate tribes.

  5. For the same reason that there are numerous indigenous native american tribes ... geography.

  6. Australia is a large country, so it stands to reason that there would be numerous tribes.

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