
Why are their racist people in the world?

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I'm white and I know people that are racist,but I don't hang out with them much for that reason because I have African American Friends and they are just like white people to me.Being racist is wrong,its like hating people with different hair color. We are all the same on the inside so why do some hate each other?




  1. Lack of education and low self esteem..

  2. 1. Beacuse there is sin in the world.

    2. No interaction with other races

    3. Ignorance

    4. Pride

    5. Feel threatened

    Some of my friends are racist, And i jsut cant see why. They dont want to even intereact with them. And then they say they are my brothers in Christ. I havent said anything to them yet, because they have not brought the subject up to me. Only my lil bro. But if they do and they really claim to be Christians I will point out Acts 17;26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth. I dont see how they can claim to be Christians and then not follow or believe this.

  3. Racism was devised by people who feel inferior for some unknown reason (maybe too lazy to develop their potential?) and grab for a cheap weapon instead of personal accomplishment to fend off

    imaginary enemies.  Maybe we should quit according racists so much influence and just be glad we have so many friends to appreciate.

  4. Ignorance my friend. Just prejudices that have been passed down from generation to generation. And the result? It's the 21st century and we still have a fit over interracial dating. h**l, some don't even approve of inter-racial friendships. Yes racism is wrong, but in this lifetime, it will never cease to exist. So you just do the right thing, and teach your kids your values. Maybe they will listen. Yes, everyones blood is red, but you know ppl never look on the inside,they'd rather live w/ their heads in the clouds. We are all HUMANS!

  5. i don't understand what goes on in the minds in racists.. like i seriously cant comphrehend it :/ idk, its sad though.

  6. I know.  Imagine being black, and feeling like a second-class citizen in the country in which you were born.  

    Good for you for taking a stand against such nonsense.  We need more people in the world like you.


  8. Well I know what it is like I am African American and Mexican and one time I told someone and they said, " Wow you must be really stupid!" When really I have a 4.0 and a perfect score on almost everything. Also at my old school they had this thing called the Golden Pyramid award for African African were if you have a GPA of 3.0 or higher you get an award but my question is why only African American I mean are we dumber than others that we need recognition that we did good cause I find it really racist. I mean I think that you should give out awards for everyone that does good because it makes us, African Americas feel like we aren't,t good enough or that we can,t achieve what others can!

  9. I have known and know black racist people ~ Jamaicans who really do NOT like Nigerians, for example.  Indians and Pakistanis  who hate each other.

    I hate white people who assume because I am white, I hold the same racist views as they do.  And I've had none whites who assume that as I am white, I must therefore hold the same views as racist guy down the road from me.

    I hate these 'assumptions' placed on me by anyone. It's about as crass as it can be to simply live life based on assumptions about others well as lazy, naive and dumb.



  10. I'm of Mexican heritage.

    I stated that since u stated ur ethnicity. I guess to get a viewpoint? Anyway, the most racism i've seen is on here. on the net. I was pretty shocked when i first saw stuff but i guess it's easier for people to express  their real selves online since nobody is physically there to put up with them. It's just realy wht's goin on inside of them. They seem consumed by hate to me.

    You're absolutely right.

  11. People who are racist (against anyone) are intimidated and threatened.  Simple as that.

  12. No, racism is right, but you're being mislead by your emotions.  We're all humans, smile on your brother, can't we all just get along, blah blah blah.

    We're not actually the same on the inside.  Different races have different bone densities, bone proportions, tolerances to food, etc.  There's even a DNA test out that can tell a person's race with about 100% accuracy.  If the political correctness barrier comes down and scientists can do what they want to do without fear of being called a "racist" and ending up blacklisted, we'll undoubtledly find many more differences.

  13. Hear, hear!

  14. I think that people who are racist got it from their parents being racist.  i think its our job now to teach our children that we are all different, but that being different is great.  If we all looked alike how boring would that be.  I Love Diversity!!!!  Also maybe people are racist because they dont know any other race and they are scared!!!  They react by saying ignorant things to hide their fear.

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