
Why are there Handicaps in Golf and Bowling?

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I think it is an insult that there are handicaps in these sports. If you are not good enough you should not get extra points so you can compete. You should practice harder like every other sport. If I loose by 30 strokes in a round of golf I can accept that and realize I need to work my butt off to get better. I would not be able to stand it if I beat someone because of my handicap number when in reality they beat me. Or if someone beat me with their handicap number and not their real score that would make me very angry. Sport is for compition not for people who use their disability of sucking at something to get ahead. The person who came up with handicaps was the loser who was always picked last or never came close to winning.




  1. With handicaps in golf, every game or match that you play will be a fair match.  Handicaps are used for recreational play to allow all different skill sets to be able to play in the same foursome. The winner will be the one who played the best that day with respect to their capabilities.  In individual tournament play you generally don't use handicaps and those are the competitions where you can show your skill.   Playing without handicaps would actually be fairly boring on a regular basis since good players would never be able to get in a game with players of lesser skill.  However, if you still don't agree, let me know and I would love to play a match with you straight up! LOL

  2. The purpose of handicaps is so that people of differing skill levels can compete and have a close match.  Since you don't like that idea then just play in scratch events.

  3. It's all about the money. The more people you can get into a competition, the larger the pool of prize money.

  4. If you are *that* good at golf, why don't you tryout for the pros, or play only in 'scratch' tournaments.

    That's why they have both 'scratch' leagues and 'handicap' leagues.  Better players opt for scratch tournaments and league play, while the rest of us settle for handicap leagues and tournaments.

    Handicaps equalize the playing field for the average golfer/bowler.  As a handicap golfer and bowler, I would never (well, 99.999% of the time) enter a scratch league or tournament.


  5. Well, first off, professionals DO NOT use handicaps!  Professionals play straight up!

    The handicap system was made so not-so-good golfers can play with good golfers.  If there were no handicap system, the not-so-good golfers would NEVER, NEVER WHY bother to play with your friend that's a good golfer?

    Plus, it's NOT CHALLENGING for a good player to play a not-so-good player unless they gave some strokes.  You STILL post your REAL score!  If you shoot triple bogey, you still post it....but you may still get to win the hole if the good golfer shot a triple and you had a stroke.

    Having a handicap DOES NOT make one a better golfer, in fact, it shows  just how bad you really are!

    Again, it's JUST for amateurs so they can play with good golfers and still make it challenging for the good golfer!

    Your statement/question makes YOU sound like an uninformed loser!  If you don't know anything about the game, PLEASE don't post an ignorant question!

  6. for the people that suck

  7. It's a way for those who are not as experienced (or as good) to be able to play  with those who are experienced and high scorers and have a chance at a fair, competitive game.

  8. coz then people of all levels of play can compete on a near level playing field and after all it is only a game at the higher levels it isnt just a game so there is no handicaps

  9. Maybe it's because those two sports require some kind of athleticism to play.  Not every human is born with athleticism, so some people are worse than others.

    I used to play Madden all the time with my brother on the N64.  He was never any good.

    I let the games come down to the last minute because it was MUCH more fun that way, and I knew in my head that I was better at the game anyway.  I didn't let my being better ruin the fun for him, because I cared about his feelings.

    Just my opinion.

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