
Why are there Japanese in Brazil?

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I just read on Wikipedia that there Brazil is home to the second largest population of Japanese people outside of Japan. I was wondering if anyone knew why this was?




  1. During the second war Brazil received the Japanese  while Japan was in war with USA!

    There are more than 1 million Japanese and descendants in Brazil!

  2. This year we Brazilian are celebrating 100 year of Japanese immigration.

    Just to summarize the reason, in 1888 the slave work was abolished in my country and we need labor work for the coffee plantations so Brazil starts to attract immigrants and Europeans started to move to Brazil. Most of them had came from Italy but due to the bad working conditions provided by the farmers (used with slave labor) Italy prohibited  the emmigration to Brazil. Then Brazil made an arrangement with Japan to cover the decrease of european immigration. At that time the work conditions had improved.

    Of course that due to the war the immigration to Brazil had increased but it had started before that.

    Since the farms were located in São Paulo states, this is the state with the highest concentration of Japanese descendents.

    If you go to the northest of the country it will be very difficult to find a japanese descendent there.

  3. I thought that was Peru...They even had a Japanese president.

  4. Brazil signed a treaty with Japan in 1907 which allowed for easy immigration for Japanese to Brazil in search of work. Brazil needed cheap labor because originally they were using italians (similar to how africans were used as slaves in USA) and Japan was going through a sort of depression so they needed the work. Once italy banned the immigration of their citizens as cheap labor, Brazil worked out the treaty with Japan. So it was probably just easier for them to get into Brazil and find work than it was any other country at that time and the population just grew from there. Im American and Thailand is my favorite country, but I have to live in Malaysia most of the time because Malaysia makes it easier for me to stay longer without any hassle. I dont think "dream" knows what you meant. In certain areas there are certain groups of people for certain reasons. There are more indians in California than in Miami or New York because of Silicon Valley and their education in India with the internet. There are more cubans in Miami than in San Francisco because of the close proximity to Cuba. There are more Asians in California because thats where gold mining happened and they were used as cheap labor there as well.

  5. Sawadee is correct. Many Japanese went to Brazil at the turn of last century to find work.

    A large number of Japanese reside in Brazil. In fact, Brazil has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan. Migration to Brazil started in the early 20th Century with farmers looking for better conditions abroad. A number of them inter-married with Brazilians and converted to Catholicism.

    In the 1980s during the Bubble Economy many Japanese Brazilians began to migrate to Japan. There are now over 275,000 “Dekasegi” - Japanese Brazilians - living in Japan. So Japan and Brazil share a special tie culturally - Japanese immigrants introduced judo which has became Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for example.

    Japan celebrates its relationship with Brazil in Asakusa, Tokyo with a Samba festival every year:

  6. why are there muslims, japanese, jewish, chinese, mexicans, spanish, italians, french, etc people in the US ? It's called immigration!

  7. White Brazilians used the Japanese as agricultural labor. This was in the early 1900's when Japan was a very poor country and many Japanese left Japan for Brazil to find work.

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