
Why are there a lot of men interested in GWS?

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This section should be for women only but as it isn't then why are there more men than women asking and responding? Most of them hate fems and women but they need to spend a lot of time on GWS which in itself is sad.




  1. im just bored and i got nowhere else to go.

  2. 'Gender' applies to both sexes, not just women.  Look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me.

  3. No I don't think it should be women only. Excluding the men is sexist. If the men tried to suggest the women don't belong somewhere, you would raise bloody h**l.

    Why are men interested in Gender and Women's Studies? I assume because men are interested in women and questions of gender. And then there are the trolls, male and female, who just like baiting people.  

  4. Every forum has trolls. Nobody says that only "certain" people should be allowed an opinion.

    The reason why guys come on her is because for the last 30 years, we've been force fed feminism and we're sick of it.

    We once had strong, beautiful women with standards, faith, morals, values, and an understanding of when men needed and what they could expect from us.

    Today...nobody knows anything. Everything relative. There are no absolutes.

    It's c**p.

    Fortunately, many women are dumping this baggage and ecouraging guys to become the men they used to be.

    This will probably take another 30-50 years to happen. But there is hope.

  5. Um how should this be a women's only. Men are a gender too. And if you haven't noticed I would like to draw your attention to the first word of 'Gender and Women Studies'. That is gender. Gender is either male or female. As a man is a person of the male gender they are allowed to be on this section of the Y!A because they fall under the Gender category.

  6. And if your under 5'10" you can't be here. And over there if you don't have a Wonka bar you can't answer to ask. No reason to be bias. If you only want women answering your question say so.

  7. you have a lot a fans on here of both genders.

  8. Good thing it isn't your problem, then, isn't it?

    Those you consider pathetic have to live with themselves.  You can ask and answer anything you want, and ignore those that are 'sad'.  Its really simple...

  9. No, it shouldn't be for women only.

    However, it IS a lurking ground for little woman-hating trolls. Luckily, they are too lame to even qualify as an annoyance.

  10. Last i checked there were two genders.

  11. meh I always assumed gender and women studies meant both genders since male is a gender I believe ;) but perhaps with the topics revolving more around women.

    I think these topics do affect us because there are clearly laws out there that may favour females above males

    And don't the feminists always complain that many areas of study were patriarchal because of a lack of female input. Well I could argue the same about gender studies insofar as its matriarchal because of a lack of male input. We're just helping you to appear less gynocentric and a bit more open.

    If you really aren't open to male input just catergorically say so on all your future questions :)

  12. Maybe they're trying to understand women.  You gotta give 'em credit for that!

  13. I wonder the same thing.  They're men spending their time in a woman's forum for what?   It's weird.   It really is weird.  What is the fascination of hanging out in a women's studies forum for men?   I seriously don't get it.

  14. Because "Male" is a gender. This is called GENDER and Women's studies.

  15. If it wasn't for the guys nothing would ever get asked here! bit like society I suppose ;-)

  16. I guess im wierd, I think a womans mind is the most interesting subject in YA, and I like to hear about issues from the female perspective.

  17. I hate fems and I'm a women.  Where does that leave me?

  18. I don't understand why you and other women continuously ask men here why they're posting on a "women's forum". Do women think they have a monopoly on views & opinions regarding gender issues?

    I'm going to post here whether you like it or not.

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