
Why are there alcohol ads, but no cigarette ads. Alcohol will kill you too?

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Alcohol is very physically additive. It can take control of you at any time!!!!!!




  1. Fair point although

    Cigarettes are physically addictive which means pretty much everyone who starts will get addicted?

    Alcohol is a psychological addiction which means most people can stop at any time.

    ( ok i retract that last statement then . i guess my point is  alcohol CAN become addictive to anyone who drinks it it for a period of time.

    But Nicotine WILL DEFINATLY become  addictive to EVERYONE who smokes it for a period of time.

    I would say though that cigarettes have never made somone smash somone Else's face to pieces over a trivial matter or made somone kill a child on the road through drunk driving so Alcohol is more dangerous overall and should really not be advertised.

    And although i enjoy the occasional pint.

    I still agree with you

    especially that So Co advert can go i ******* hate that ****


  2. Because nobody has yet whined about secondhand booze breath making them sick.  GIVE IT TIME!

  3. Cig ads were taken off tv and billboard ads because of the rise in young kids smoking. Hence why we don't see Joe Camel anymore. Look at the old Flintstones when they were black and white. There is a cig ad included with Fed lighting up. it was felt that big tobacco was advertising to children.

    Alcohol ads are not shown on the same channels as children's programming or in the same time slots on weekends.

    Yes underage drinking is a problem but no one is accusing the alcohol companies of marketing to children on the sly.

  4. Because of strong self-regulation, alcohol advertising has mostly avoided regulation by the federal government.

    This self-regulation includes warnings to "drink responsibly," putting their ads only where the majority of the viewing demographic is over 21, not stressing alcohol's effects, and never showing anyone actually drinking (I know, weird, but watch; it never happens).

  5. Alcohol is much more destructive than nicotine. Nicotine isn't addictive at all. You'll never see a nicotine detox, rehab, DTs, shakes, jones, hallucinations, or any other symptoms. You'll never see skid rows created by ill-kempt unemployable smokers. What you will see is a tremendous amount of money being made by drug company's peddling pure nicotine in gums, patches or any other way they can for $50 a box. Stop smoking nicotine, eat it. Ever see a cop say:  "You were weaving, how many cigarettes have you had"? Ridiculous. The major percentage of people in prison are there for dope and alcohol. Not one for smoking cigarettes.

  6. Alcohol does not kill. The fool over-consuming it will.

    Happy Birthday America.

    Joey Chestnut RULES BABY!!

  7. i no.

    they shud ban alcho ads

    bt then agen ciga is more addictive an dus more harm an is more in britian

  8. Because causes of death from smoking are supposedly in the 10s of millions each year.  Where as causes of death from alcohol are very, very low by comparison, in the tens of thousands.  Causes of death from cars in general are higher than alcohol related deaths, thereby adding to your question, why are car ads legal, they kill all the time.

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