
Why are there always weirdos in the Apple store? ?

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Every time I go to the Apple store there are always the weirdest people... I swear the other day one guy in there was playing a joke because of how he looked... he had a thin mustache that curled up at the end, 1 inch thick square glasses, and a huge mullet. He was wearing super spandex like pants and only a vest for a top....




  1. Ever been in Hot Topic?

    People tend to form cliques around their favorite stores.  Especially when it comes to Apple users, their obsession is almost diagnosable in severity.  They take those Mac/PC commercials a bit too far.

  2. Have you never left your house? There's weirdos everywhere.

  3. OMG! I know I always see the most... interesting..people in there.  My favorite are the old people that are shopping together and taking pictures on the computers or iphones and sending the pictures to themselves for facebook or whatever, haha :]

  4. What city?

  5. Because people who strive to be different usually choose apple for their computer services because apple is different.

  6. Its the apple store. The majority of people there need serious help. Who else spends all day on a computer.  

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