
Why are there cultural differences between societis?

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Why are there cultural differences between societis?




  1. because we are over here, you are over there. diversity is good. or do you mean it as disagreement

  2. I would look towards to ideas of Julian Steward. I feel the Culture Core philosophy is about accurate in this sense. Basically culture arises out of a base. The base is often environment Depending on the environment this can affect what kind of culture the people living there can develop. This is especially evident in kinship studies there are groups of people who evolve in different parts of the world with no way to interact with each other, yet they evolve similar kinship systems and similar cultures in general, a closer look reveals that their environments are similar. This also explains why there is no real material culture in the Great Basin area of the western US, yes there is a very rich culture over near the mounds in the southeastern US. The environment of the great basin didn't allow culture to develop because it was too harsh and couldnt support a sedentary lifeway, yet over near the cahokia mounds the environment was rich and supported sedentism, so I feel the environment determines culture.

  3. Geography. Hundreds of thousands of years ago people moved around on foot, and after horses had been domesticate, by horse people.  This ment that groups of people were left fairly  isolated from one another allowing them to dovelop in different ways.Today it is not so pronounced due to much more advanced methods of transport. You may have noticed that cultures are beginning to adopts one anthers traits.

  4. Where I'm from, it's tradition to party every March.  People have been partying every March here since the 1800's.  Of course that's because I live in Lawrence KS, and in March we just got done with another stellar basketball season.  I guess in other places there isn't a party.  

    See how that works?

  5. ???

    Why wouldn't there be?

    Perhaps if you'd explained your question, we'd better know how to answer.

    Groups of people have been to some extend isolated from each other; they develop their different ways, and then different variations on those ways. Each generation teaching the next, and the differences accumulate.

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