
Why are there declines in participation for the american political system among the younger people?

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Why are there declines in participation for the american political system among the younger people?




  1. My belief is that the youth are more into their world then their government. They do not see themselves as having much power in casting their vote yet.

    I myself did not start voting till I was 34 because I really did not understand the meaning or comprehension behind the electoral.

  2. They live the good life. That stuff only affects others..

  3. Because our administration has insulated and isolated both young and old regarding participation and knowledge of government at this time so as not to interfere with their agenda.  

    Anything regarding the Iraq war is on page 27 in the local newspapers.  Health care is being eroded in a sneaky manner.  Gas prices are rising.  Any opposition is stifled by the power of the government to control the media and uprisings.  They are smart enough not to institute a draft.  This would over come any anti resistance to this administration by both the young people and their older family members.

  4. The ipods, mp3's, cell phones, etc. are more interesting to them than the complicated issues of the world. As long as they get their McD's and music, they are happy. However, that will change when the draft is started again.

  5. Politics is a joke.

    Why do they decide to tell a restraunt that no one can smoke,.. after restraunts created air tight smoke with their own filtration systems? Because they want to war on smokers, but won't make it illegal for stores to make profit off of something that's killing people. All they have to do is make it illegal to sell imoral products,.. and people won't sell cigerrettes.

    But now store owners aren't alloud to make clean air rooms for their smoking patrons. Because the democrates decided to do the thinking for you.

    Just like when california made it illegal to spank kids. Some run of the mill scientist who thinks he knows more then anyone else showed some statistics. "kids who aren't spanked do better in school." So kids who aren't exploring, and are natural drones, naturally do better in school. Yet kids who need sterness and dirrection are supposed to be reasoned with, and rewarded for going to bed on time? How do you reason with someone who has no reasoning skills?

    Another democratic joke, that wasn't vetoed by a republican, who didn't have a Christian heart, and was brainwashed by the half assed science.

  6. The many are led to believe it a waste of time and effort.Everything is predetermined before it starts by overseers or agents of the empire that hides beneath the surface of the malignacy.Reason has long left the founers vision is has been replaced by corrpt lobbiists,manipulators of the masses,propagandists,insugents of the ways that be,and no one actually feels the peoples vote as being valid since all is decided by others,the electoreate college,congress,etc.Them that concider theirselves as the people(they are people too) make decicion for the people a self serving monopoly of inadequacies.

  7. Over the 16 years I was an election judge ... it was very clear that only the most committed young people would show up to vote.

    Those who were older show up because they realize how important the issues of social security, health care... are to their lives.  We realize how powerless we are becoming and how important it is for the government to protect us.

    The youth have this vision that they can defend themselves against anything...

    but when you get less than 1,000 dollars a money and pay three hundred for medications just to survive...

    help is needed.

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