
Why are there endless scandals from the Palin Family?

by Guest65534  |  earlier

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Newspapers are reporting that Sarah Palin lied again; when she pointed that her son Track Palin was heroic by joining the service, during the RNC Acceptance Speech. Truth, Track was arrested for vandalizing school buses after stealing a bottle of vodka from a store. It was either go to jail or join the military.

Will Sarah fail America as she has her own family?




  1. They don't promise to be perfect.  Pretty good response to what seems like an endless supply of dirt.

    I guess you need to supply some kind of link, don't you?

  2. I am a Democrat and am not voting for McCain/Palin, but as a woman I feel for her.  I don't think she failed America because of her family. At least she didn't try to hide things to be brought out later in scandals (if she were to be VP).  Show me a perfect family.  There are none and never will be.  Everyone makes mistakes and her son did - so what.  

    Also her daughter is prego which I think is nobody's business.  Its not like she's 14 - she is almost of adult age and a baby is always a blessing no matter what the situation may be.  So people should stop getting all in her business and let her do her campaigning in peace.

  3. I guess her son could have just hung around like a lib and joined the breeding for dollars gang and gone in and out of the system his whole life.  would you feel more comfortable with that scenario?  

  4. Because the liberals are trying their best to smear even the children of one of their opponents.  When they quit trying to make demons out of innocents people, the "scandals" will stop.  By the way, it makes a mockery out of the "liberal" mantra of uplifting and supporting people.  But, it is becoming evident they are nothing but hot air only.

    Edit:  Oh, and just so you know....The Army no longer acts as an alternative to juvenile detention like it did back in the 50's, 60's, and early 70's.  Army  personnel now (along with all other branches of the service) are AT LEAST high school graduates WITHOUT pending legal action.  What to know how I know?  My nephew, schooled at a military academy, ROTC, and commissioned, waiting to finish college, got a DUI and prompted got busted in rank.

    Who are you hoping to fool with that nonsense?

  5. More left wing lib lies...just keep them coming people it shows your ignorance which is why you have a donkey for a mascot!

  6. The actions of children cannot always be blamed on the parents.  There are some parents that do the very best they can, and still their children take a different route in life than what their parents want for them.  Because of this, I would not say that Sarah Palin failed her family.  Any person nominated for vice president would be under intense scrutiny right now; everyone has something dark in their past, and politicians are no different.

  7. It's what the liberal press does the most. Blog anything bad about a Republican and it gets onto their websites

  8. another scandal you would think a Clinton was in office

  9. Families are messy. Always have been. It will always happen if you look hard enough. GW Bush's girls pulled some pranks. Prince Harry has done some atrocious things. Jimmy Carter's brother was almost a national disgrace.

    - I think the "scandals" are not over the top. I am sure they will find more. A 22 year old DWI. Misbehaving teenager. A teen pregnancy. An investigation (what politician is not investigated?).

    - I am not a Pallin supporter, but it is a bit gossipy.

  10. All families have problems. the media is just picking her apart because they dont want a women to be vice president. if you looked into Obama's or Bidens family im sure you would find some good dirt on them too,

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