
Why are there extreme bubbles in my goldfish tank?

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I have 2 goldfish, a male and female, in a tank with an under-gravel filter system. Yesterday I woke up and my black goldfish's tank was overflowing with bubbles. There was no soap in the tank, and the bubbles didn't smell like it either. I changed the water and put them back in. I supervised it for the rest of the day, and everything was okay, but today at 1pm, i noticed that the bubbles were starting to form again. And i noticed that there is pink stuff on the sides of the tank. Please help me! I need to know what to do!




  1. Maybe their fish food gives them gas, hence the bubbles?

  2. Foam is usually caused by poor water quality.. at least in my experience. I would test your water, or take it to the pet store and have them tested.

    If you have two goldish, they should be in a tank with at least 20-40 gallons. Most fish stores push their goldfish by telling customers they can house them in bowls, etc. This is very un-true. They need at least (bare minimum) 10 gallons per fish.

    Feed them only once a day until you can find out what kind of water quality you have and do a 10-15% water change. If you use tap water that you treat yourself, maybe you could try R/O water which is most likely what your pet store uses.

    Hope that helps a bit.

  3. hmmmm i had a beta and there used to always be bubbles in the bowl...the pet store said fish blow the bubbles when they are happy in their environment (those kinds) maybe goldfish are the same.

    i would ask about the pink stuff though

  4. A possible reason for your bubble problem could be that they are breeding,  the pink specks you see on the side of the tank could very well be the eggs!  Congrats its a fish!

  5. Jokes aside... this seems rather dangerous. There are three reasons to this weird problem;

    Your powerhead in your undergravel system seems to be putting out too many bubbles, causing bits of ornaments to chip and create a lots of pinky bubbles.

    One of your ornaments is leaching. Take all of your ornaments out (if your gravel is pink, that could be the cause) wash them thoroughly, and ONLY add those ornaments that have been purchased from a reputable pet store.

    Something could be falling in. Does the tank have any soaps or other contaminants stored above it? If so, remove them OR use a thick, hole-less cover.

    Do these checks, and check your fish regularly. I have goldfish any they do not blow bubbles at all.

    Good luck. I hope your problem is resolved soon!

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