
Why are there holes in donuts?

by Guest59375  |  earlier

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Shouldn't we get a discount and whatever happened to the baker's dozen?




  1. There's some kind of weird history about it. I think back then the mail carrier would ride around on a horse to deliver mail, or to deliver a message to somebody. Along the way, people would make him food, so he would keep going and not have to stop, however the carrier would sometimes drop the food and ruin it. So, one day a person made a pastry, and a cut a hole in it. She held out the pastry and the carrier put his finger through the hole, and was able to hold onto it. And eventually everyone started doing i guess thts why we put a hole in a doughnut, because of history...

    I'm not sure if this story is accurate (it even sounds kinda weird to me), but thts what my 4th grade teacher had taught me...

  2. use your imagination...

  3. The middle dough from *all* the doughnuts in the world is shipped frozen to Canada, thawed, cooked, and sold as ... you guessed it ... Doughnut Holes at Tim Horton's. That's why they are so inexpensive and every time someone has a potluck, some poor student who wants to contribute, too, brings the 40 pack of Doughnut Holes. It's only a couple of bucks.

    That's why so many people want to move to Canada; so they can get the rest of their doughnuts. <g>

    Oh, and the baker's dozen seems to have gone the way of the 13th floor in apartment buildings. Actually, I expect it has more to do with us getting products in boxes rather than bags. Try fitting 13 doughnuts into a box and *some* wiseacre is going to claim that he's been gypped and that there should be more ... just look at the empty spaces!

  4. there r holes in donuts to to make it easier to hold. they charge u more 4 the convince.  

  5. So the person in front of you can keep an eye on you through your donut.


  7. Because that what makes a donut specialll. ;]

    hah. I dont know.

  8. the holes are kinda like the what they used the pie for in american pie

  9. its because the donut maker get busy in a certain way with them, or farts on them

  10. they sell those parts too

  11. so that cops can use them as handcuffs

  12. because they need to breathe

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