
Why are there is much advertisements on TV?

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Why are there is much advertisements on TV?




  1. It the network's source of income.

  2. They have to pay for their shows somehow, and they do it by charging advertisers for airtime to hawk their products and services.

  3. yea, in other words..

    tv stations need $$ to air what the people wanna see/watch (e.i. drama series, movies, sports programs news, etc.),

    the advertisers need tv stations to help advertise their products/services to the people or to reach out to the mass (e.i. pepsi, nike, taxi service, hotels, etc.),

    so, tv stations charge the advertisers $$ for the airtime fees and the advertisers can promote their products/services in to the mass. understand??

    but sometimes the tv stations just wants to make extra profit by offering airtime to advertisers coz it does generate loads of income for them! imagine during prime time, an advertistment slot could cost up to $50k/minute!

  4. ads=money

  5. There should not be. It is simply wrong. The airways belong to the public, not private corporations. However, the airways are now controlled by 5 major corporations who are interested in one thing only: Optimize profits. In fact, according to US law, they are legally obligated to optimize profits for their shareholders to the exclusion of other goals. Public relations work and community charity must also be justified by improving profitabilty through improved image.

    These corporations avoid many categories of issues that could hurt them finanically. Unless an issue emerges under its own strength, the media will marginalize and ignore them. For a list of issues, see this site:

    The media involves lots of advertizing and too little real discussion of issues.

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