
Why are there less anti-war protests now than in the 70's?

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Are people less caring? More scared? Do they actually believe what politicians say about the war? How Americans will actually die before people really get motivated to stop the war?




  1. The war is to prevent people from dying here.

  2. There was a draft in the 70's.  If the draft is reinstated you will see the protesters in the streets.  Now there is no exemption for students.

  3. the people who protested in the 70s were raised with the values of the 50s and 60s.....they had role models with work ethics....

    ...unfortunately, those raised with the "values" of the 70s and 80s only have the model of materialism, entitlement and stridency....

  4. Generally American society has become very apathetic.  It's much easier to sit at home and play WoW all day and night than to get up and actually work for a cause.

  5. The 70's was a different time; the popular mindset was to promote peace, love, and tolerance.  However, nowadays, the people who disapprove of the war are just about even with the people who drive around with "support our troops" bumper stickers.  That and Vietnam was much more of an upset than the war on terrorism because we were actually losing, and citizens were being drafted.

    Also, I think it's funny how many people are trying to sound thought provoking by implying that it's videogames' or the Internet's fault and that we're slowly destroying society with the increasing technology or something.  Seriously how many people actually say, "I would protest the war... but I am so close to that epic mount in WoW!"  Exactly, no one.  Just because some qualities of life are disappearing, while new technology is emerging doesn't mean that technology is responsible for all of this change.

  6. In the 70's

    The hungry ghost was wandering out there.

    With no one feeding them.

    Now they are well fed.

    Some still under fed.

    Wait for any that pass by.

    Will feed them too.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  7. That is a good question,,,I think it has more to do with being preoccupied with other things such as getting rich having fun and cosmetic surgary to be the coolest person out there.

  8. Because in the 70's we didn't have video games to distract us and there was a draft.

  9. Police State.  Can't get arrested, gonna run for President when these idiots s***w everything up.

  10. The war is almost over and most people realize this. There is no point to protesting any more.

  11. People are busier than they used to be, their kids are busier.  Each household has at least two incomes or they cannot live the way they'd like to.

  12. Easy it is an all volunteer force currently so the people over there signed up for duty versus being drafted.  The protests were more about the draft than about the actual war.

  13. There seems to be relatively less anti-war protests against the Iraq war as a result of the strength American nationalism recieved after the attacks of 9/11. People associate this war as 'retaliation' against the terrorist attacks, and the rhetoric of the Bush administration seemed to legitimize the war as a war against terrorism.

    People fear government backlash less than social backlash. Current American nationalistic norms will paint an anti-war protester as 'un-American' (the American nationalist's version of the 'infidel').

    Furthermore, many people subconciously assume that winning the war will mean sustained lower oil prices for them at home. Though many people aren't explicit about this controversial and guilty logic, it seems that many Americans accept this as a legitimization of war.

  14. The protests in the 70's went down AFTER the draft was ended. Apparently, they had more to do with people not wanting to be drafted than it did with any intellectual or moral stand.

    That's why so few are seen today. The only people in harm's way are there because they volunteered.

    Also, because there are more sources of news besides the biased mainstream media, fewer people are fooled into believing all the negative c**p being spewed.

    As for stopping the war, why should we stop the war against terrorists? They won't be stopping their war against civilization.

    And the Iraqi people still need our presence there to secure their country, so they can be free and prosperous. Don't you care about other people? Or are you willing to sacrifice any number of other people on the altar of your anti-war religion?

  15. This actually may have been misreprsented there was strong protest in The 1980's as well oppossition to nuclear weapons and missile factories. Groups in West Germany protesting N.A.T.O. were beaten by German Kops.  There is talk of armed opposition of the state even nowif necessary .Less drastic measures for at start could involve citizen currencies and Human tranquilizer guns set at appropriate dosages. Red coloured trank guns like on animals. Tasers shelds to protect against police beatings in protests possibility.

  16. Unless the government brings back the draft or something else that affects the majority of Americans you wont see anybody making any serious effort to stop the war.  The widespread opposition to the Vietnam War wasn't against war or American policies in South East Asia but rather the government forcing people to participate and sacrifice themselves in support of the government.  God forbid if the majority of Americans contribute to something that doesn't directly affect them.

  17. The freaky anti-war types are busy on their computers spewing hatred about our country.

  18. Since we currently have an all-volunteer military, you can't protest the military's mission without admitting that you're also protesting the service members themselves.  That's not a very good move politically.

  19. No draft.

  20. Because the would-be protestors are met with counterprotestors, who have facts on their side.  Not everybody is taken in by their chanting.

    Examples... Code Pink in Berkeley, the protests outside military hospitals (Walter Reed, Landstuhl)

  21. 1. we get to mess with the terrorists.

    2. there is no draft now, during Vietnam you could be drafted and shipped there - no choice.  Currently we have an all volunteer military.

    I'm not in favor of the whole Iraq thing either, never was.  But you realize that if we walk away with the country in it's current state the terrorists win.  That will only embolden them to launch further attacks on US soil.

    This so called war is probably never going to end, unless the economic conditions for the average Arab rise to the point where al qaeda can no longer recruit soldiers.

  22. People don't care .

    Bellies are full

    Mesmerized by TV and Internet .

    Materialism rules

  23. You want to see protesters.  Start some serious talk about re instituting the draft, then you will see and hear them.

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