
Why are there loads of gentlemen's strip clubs in London but none for the ladies?! It's just wrong!?

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Why are there loads of gentlemen's strip clubs in London but none for the ladies?! It's just wrong!?




  1. Strip clubs are a *business*. If they're legal, and they are in London, then the *reason* that there aren't any is that there is no market among *women* sufficient to support such a club.

    IOW, women are cheap. Don't try to blame club owners for their having no market among cheap women.

    OH, and if women aren't cheap, explain why so many demand that men pay for dates and for expensive engagement gifts for them, only ? Uh huh.

  2. Hmm..actually I guess that is unfair for women...

  3. cause girls don't need to go somewhere to see naked guys. all they need to do is ask any guy

  4. I loved all those clubs when I was there , beautifull women

  5. There arent many but hey ill strip for you and you wont even have to pay,lol

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