
Why are there loud fireworks-like noises outside?

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Well, I keep hearing noises outside like it was the fourth of july. Can anyone tell me what might be going on today to constitute so much noise. It's gonna wake up my kids. Ugh




  1. Martin Luther King Jr. Gave his "I Have a Dream " speech in Washington 45 years ago today, and Tonight Barack Obama accepts the nomination for the first African-American candidate for President of the United States.

    So if there are any Democrats or African-Americans they might be celebrating a moment in American History tonight.

  2. You must be getting the echo from Denver, or you have extraordinary hearing.

  3. I'm thinking somebody is celebrating something.  Fireworks aren't only for the 4th of July.

  4. If you live in Iraq, it is an air strike. But according to your dazed question you could be anywhere in the USA. A little help would be nice?

  5. they sound like some sort of firework...

  6. They might be?  It was a celebration tonight.HONEY EVERY CITIZEN who is tired of Republicans making this country suffer for the past 8 years are starting to feel we are getting closer to a desperately needed change. Any man or woman who is over 40 is rejoicing because they know how far we have come!! We could not even vote years ago. And if you were a woman no matter WHAT COLOR you couldnt vote either!!! This racist,sexist country is READY FOR A CHANGE.From Hillary to Obama it is time. thank you

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